Chapter 4: Love and hate surprises

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The entire night was a blur- i close my eyes and everything went dark. I open my eyes, my head was pounding! AH GOD make it stop! I opened my eyes again and i see a wide,big tv, a glass table, Cat must have dropped me off last night. Thank god for her- But This hangover..

I get up from my couch- my back is in pain, that is not good for sleeping or having sex on that couch. I look towards the kitchen and i see a cup of water and something laying on a napkin. I walk to the kitchen counter, there was a note near some aspirins.

"Took you home, heres some friends to get you through Saturday"

I took the aspirins and drank the water right next to it. Please kick in, I head to my bedroom to go take a shower. I take off my lazy where from last night and took my naked body in the shower and rinsed myself off. 30 minutes later i came out, drying myself off. I changed into some skinny jeans and another loose fitting flannel- but this time it's red and not blue. I just let my hair air dry, i can go for some coffee, then come back home and relax at home. Fuck it, coffee here i come. I exit my apartment with everything i need.

(small time skip)

I open the glass door with the logo of starbucks- please let me get in and out.

(few days later)

These past few days, i'v been getting non-stop messages from Adrian. Why is he trying to talk to me- what part of ' leave me the fuck alone, we're over you piece of shit, dont talk to me ever again?' doesnt he not understand?

Where's cat with a drink. Being in my apartment by myself can get lonely, not to mention when theres nothing on netflix. I'll switch to regualr tv i guess.

"In just a few months- the grand opening of Jur--"

I hate commercials.

Channeling surfing, nothing on tv either. I check my phone and went to instagram, i havent posted anything in months. Of course- i've deleted my pictures of adrian.

My screen froze, what the hell. My screen turned black- my mother was calling in.

(y/n)- "hello?"

(mom)- "hey, how you doing, hows California?"

(y/n)- " Everythings great mom, kind of late that your checking in" she was.

(mom)- " i know- im sorry, just your father has been keeping me busy by--"

(y/n)-" ahhehh,  i dont wanna know" i cutt her off, i stopped her cause somehow i felt she was gonna say something nasty,

(mom)- " oh stop- get your mind out of tghe gutter.  Made any new friends- did you find a job?"

(y/n)- " yeah- i met with an old friend of mine in middle school."

(mom)- " oh that must be nice"

'(y/n)- "yeah, she got me a job- video editor"

(mom)- " but you barely know a computer"

(y/n)- " im trying mom"

(mom)- " good for you- any new boyfriends- i should prepare for?"

(y/n)-" not right now mom- i'm enjoying being on my own right now"

(mom)- "i see, Adrian got a hold of me and asked how you were"

What the fuck? He went over to my parents house? What the fuck!?

(y/n)- " you didnt tell him i moved did you?"

(mom)- "uh- i might have just said something.."

(y/n)- " mom!"

(mom)- " i'm sorry, it slipped out."

(y/n)- " jesus...." i gave out a big sigh

(mom)- " he just wants to see you, (y/n)- he feels really bad"

(y/n)- " i got to go mom- i'm heading out, love you bye" i hung on her without hearing her goodbye.

I'll admit, my mom tends to slip things when she goes on about me, since i am her only child. I guess this isnt her fault, I just hope adrian doesnt do anything stupid, like come all the way out here.  I was startled by loud banging on my door, what the hell.

(Cat)- (y/n)! Open the door!"

I got up rusing towards the door.

(y/n)- " chill, whats up?" i say as i opened it. Cat forced her way inside my apartment.

(Cat)- " I think i might get a promtion!" she squealed.

(y/n)- " why are you excited, you havent got the promotion yet........yeah i'll shut up now." i changed my words once Cat gave me a glare- i'll just be happy with her.

(Cat)- " with this promotion it comes with a surprise vacation to Hawaii!" she shrieked jumping up and down.

(y/n)- " no way!"

(cat)- " yeah! If i get it, im taking my friend Jenny!" she contiuned to jump up and down in excitement. I stopped when she said it wasnt me.

(y/n)- "thats nice" i stopped being excited and went to the kitchen to get some food.

(cat)- " i'm kidding! Of course im taking you!"

(y/n)- " Hug me bitch!" i got excited again.

Cat embraced me with a tight hug. Wer're about the same hieght- so no akward head placing.

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