Chapter 5: Isla -What?!

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(few months later)

" Enjoy the island of Isla Nublar, home of Jurr--"

Skip this ad, i just wanna watch videos without any interruptions.

"Hey whats up you guys, yes- today--"

God dammit, i hate when youtube freezes on me. Every time, every time. Knocking began to echo in my apartment, probably Cat. I gave her an extra key to my apartment- incase of emergencies. I wonder why she isn't just using her key. I got up and went towards the door. There stood a familiar face- that wasn't Cat. 

(y/n)- "you've got to be kidding me"

(adrian)- Hey, (y/n)- long time no see"

Adrian is here. Adrian is fucking here in California. I immediately tried to close the door, but his fat fucking fingers slipped through the crack forcing it open. I tried to slam the door on his fingers but he was too strong.

(adrian)- " i just want to talk- you don't seem to be getting my messages"

(Y/n)- " i got your messages- i told you to leave me alone!"

(adrian)- " (y/n), I'm sorry for cheating on you, Ellie and i are over- we dont speak to each other."

(ellie)- " Actually im right here, surprise"

Ellie appears from the corner- shes fucking here too?! What the fuck is going on!?

(y/n)- " Alright- i don't want neither of you here, so can you both just go" I'm about to blow up right now. Not only Adrian is here but Ellie is here too.

(Ellie)- " Hey- we came here to apologize for what happened"

(y/n)- " its to late for that" i quicky slammed the door for dramitc effect, i feel like a badass now, but im still very upset.

I took a deep sigh, fucking great- how did they even find me anyway?!

My phone vibrated from across the room, what more news can i get today. This better be good. I went over and slid my finger across the screen.

(y/n)- " hello?"

(cat)- " (y/n)! I got the promotion! Come by the office- now!"

There was a click on the other line. This bitch hung up on me- without saying goodbye too. I have no other choice but to leave, i wonder if they left. I slipped my phone in my back jeans pocket- and grabbed my house keys. I leaned against the door, looking through the peep hole. I'm good to go. Opened the door and closing it- locking it.

(time skip)

I finally made it to the office, its like a far walk for me- i mean Cat could at least picked me up. I went inside and texted Cat what floor is she on. Once i get the text back- i went towards the elevator and pressed number 6. As the floor beneth me started to go up- my stomach felt sick, or it could have been seeing Adrian and Ellie. Jesus christ- can't believe they came all this way to see me. Even if they apologize, I'm no going to forgive them- i just want them out of my life for good.   

The doors spread apart, finally reached level 6. I went down the hall- quickly glancing at each room to see which one she was at. I foud cat , it wasn't hard to spot her- when shes pacing back and forth with a huge smile on her face.

(y/n)- " Hey congrats- but i don't get why you asked me to come here?"

(cat)- "Thanks! Dude, i couldn't believe it! I wanted you here to experience this amazing moment."

(y/n)- " thanks Cat,--i mean i should have gotten a promotion too.." i whisper to her as a joke

(cat)- " ha-ha. Imagine going to hawaii- being on the beach, drinking alcohol"

(y/n)- " Tanning"

(Cat)- " the men!"

(y/n)- " oh god,Catherine" i say shoving her softly.

(Cat)- " Hawaii here we come!"

(Cat's Boss)- "not quite" Cat's boss interuppted us imagining Hawaii.

(cat)- "excuse me sir?'

(C.B)-" your bonus isnt a trip to Hawaii- that was last years trip special."

(cat)- " so if the trip isn't to hawaii sir, then what is the bonus trip?"

(C.B)- " the bonus trip this year- is a week at the wonderful island of Isla Nublar, Home of jurassic world"

Say what?  Cat was freaking out, i don't know what or why? I've never heard of this island or this Jurassic world.

(cat)- "you've got to be kidding me sir!"

(C.B)- " enjoy it ladies"

Cat grabs the envolope containing the bonus.

(y/n)- " what is this place anyway- and why the fuck are you so excited?!"

(cat)- " have you seen any commercials or as about this (y/n)?! This is a dinosaur theme park!"

(y/n)- "so an animatronic dinosaur theme park?  That sounds lame" it kind of does.

(cat)- " no! Its actual dinosaurs!"

(Y/n)- "wait- what!?"

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