I love everything about you, even the things I don't like.
"You are protected, in short, by your ability to love!" -Albus Dumbledore, HarryPotter and the Half Blood Prince
Thinking back, I always thought you would just be that kid who would constantly annoy me and trick on me on messenger. However, I never thought you would become my friend and I never thought that you would be someone I'll have a crush with. This probably had to do with the fact that I'm in AZ and you were in PH, but that is beyond the point. I didn't know I like you until I knew it. It was one of those things I had questioned. This is complicated and the fact that you're a little bit far made it more complicated.
Remember when I said that on your wedding day I would be there to say 'I object,' but you never understood why I would say that. Haha Honestly the reason behind it was because I wanted to make you angry. Lol. We always had little fights and disagreements. Our friendship was far from perfect. But thanks a lot for that friendship.
If we never speak again I want you to know how much I appreciate you and how grateful I am to have been friends with you, to have someone in my life who always had my back. Believe me, if I could get another years I would spend it with you.
"We can't choose our fate, but we can choose others. Be careful inknowing that." -Harry Potterand the Order of the Phoenix