What Do I Do #6

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 Avril's Point Of View.

After Jason and I took Justin to his room, Mr. and Mrs. Blaze arrived home. I really didn't know what to tell them. But hopefully everything would turn out alright. One of the things I was looking forward to avoid was telling them the kiss me and Jason shared. 

"Jason! What a surprise you are here!" said Mr.Blaze.

"Yeah I was called for an emergency." Jason answered.

"What emergency dear?" Mrs.Blaze asked concerned.

 I couldn't let Jason say the whole truth by himself, so I spoke before he had chance to say anything.

"It was my fault. I fell asleep in the pool and got a  high fever. Justin and Jason took me to the hospital. I am very sorry for the trouble."

"Are you okay now Sweety? Maybe you need to rest."

"Yes she needs to rest. Come, i'll take you to your room." said Jason interrupting. He took my hand and guided me all the way upstairs to my room. He closed the door to make sure no one would hear.

" That was close. We can't let my mom and dad know that Justin got drunk.They will kill me."

He said in a rushed whisper voice.

"Also," I added "about us . . kissing." 

  As soon as I said that, the kissing scene came to my mind making me blush. I was glad the lights were off, or else I wouldn't be able to handle the awkwardness and embarrassment.

"Yeah, acourse. A secret. Well go to sleep, I'll come by tomorrow to check on Justin's hangover and settle things with him."

He gave me a quick hug and left. I sat in my bed thinking of the emotional day. I really didn't know how it will affect tomorrow, nevertheless how it will affect Justin. I just hope that our childhood friendship remained the same. I brushed my teeth and after, slowly I fell asleep. I still felt weak.

*Next Morning*

  My phone alarm went off. It was eight in the morning. I got up and got my hair into a ponytail. I felt fine, until everything that had happened yesterday rushed back into my mind. I had to talk to Justin, so I went to check his room but he wasn't there. I went downstairs to the living room. He was there watching t.v all calmed. 

"Hey Justin."  

"Good morning." He didn't even look at me. Don't cry Avril, don't cry. 'Go talk to him' my conscious. I slowly walked over to him and sat down by his side.

"Listen Justin, I need to explain to you about yesterday. I didn't mean for that to happen, I really didn't! Please forgive me.Please!"  

I said everything rushed, feeling out of breath. Justin brought his hand slowly to my cheek and wiped my tears. I didn't know I had started too crying. He looked at me and then he smiled.His smile was genuine and it felt comforting as well as warm. He  gave me a hug and told me in the ear " I know that it isn't your fault." I looked at his face puzzled. 

" How?"

"Jason came in the morning and told me it was all his fault. He explained everything. And before you can say anything, I want to apologize for calling you a slut. I was so angry. I really didn't mean it." His eyes told me he was being honest. I smiled at him and hugged him as hard as I could.

"That means so much to me.Thanks." My voice was now back to normal. I sat with him watching a movie.  Non of us spoke through-out the entire movie.Finally it had ended. Justin got up and left upstairs. Thirty minutes later ha came down showered and changed into dark blue jeans and black t-shirt. I could see his muscles on his arms perfectly made. Justin smiled and said " You know, staring at someone is rude." He smiled more. I hadn't realized that I had been staring. I quickly looked away and decided to change the topic.

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