Chapter 6: Jurassic World

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(few weeks later)

(y/n)-  "ughh- I think I'm gonna be sick" I'm 5 seconds away from puking over the railing, I hate being on a boat.

(cat)- "Can't believe we're heading to the island, this is like a biggest moment of my life"

(y/n)- " Can't believe you're this excited- while I'm here dying slowly"

(cat)- " yeah sucks for you- but what kind of dinosaurs do you think they have?"

(y/n)- " The fuck if I know--" I held down the sickness in my stomach- Oh god.

(unknown)- "When they first opened,they had eight species.Now they have 14 herbivores and six carnivores." A voice was talking to us- who's talking? I picked my head up from the railing. A dirty blond haired kid, looks to be about 13. The taller one stood next to him- had a bored expression to his face.

(cat ) "Really! No way, this our first time visiting here- so we wouldn't know"

(unknown 2)- " Sorry is he bothering you- my little brother can be talkative"

(cat)- " No its okay- glad he said something interesting."

(unknown)- " Is your friend, okay? Doesn't look too well"

(cat)- "Sea sick"

(time skip)

(cat)- " (y/n) look! There's the island!"

I stood up from sitting on the ground, It was hard to stand back up- it was shoulder to shoulder with other people visiting the park. Cat was right- the island is coming up, and it looks so huge. Cat was chatting with the kids that talked to us earlier, The tall one- Zach, was occupied by glancing over to some pretty, teenage girls on the lower deck of the boat. Oh jeez. Gray and Cat were talking about Jurassic world, and its dinosaurs. I on the other hand- feel a little better. Someone gave me an extra water bottle, they thought I was gonna actually throw up.

(Cat) "so what are you two doing by yourselves?"

(gray)- " visiting our aunt Claire, she works here"

(cat)- " That's cool, knowing someone here. If you guys were alone- that would be scary as hell"

(Zach)- " How'd you two get on this trip?"

(Cat)- " I got it by getting a promotion"

(y/n)- "she brought me" raising my hand.

Zach chuckles, gray smiles happily.

After a while of the four of us chatting away, We finally got to the island.   We boarded off the boat, it was super crowded.

(Gray)-"Where's Aunt Claire?"

(zach)- " I don't know"

I over hear them talking, I guess their aunt bailed.

(Cat)- " Got everything (y/n)?"

(y/n)- " Yeah" I feel bad for these guys, aunt didn't even show to pick them up. Huh, gives me an idea. Screw it- i'm doing it. I'm heading over to Zach and Gray.

(cat)- " Hey (y/n),where you going- wait for me"

(y/n)- " Hey Zach, Gray- where's your aunt?"

(Zach)- " Don't know she was suppose to get us" Gray looked a little disappointed

(Y/n) "Cheer up, gray" Placing my hand on his shoulder

(gray)- " We haven't seen her in a few years"  he says in a pout.

(y/n)- " How about we go together, Zach, you, Cat and I?"

(gray)-" Really- you would hangout with us?"

(zach)- " You don't have too"

(y/n)- " I want to, besides- the more the merrier right?"

(gray)- " Sure, I thin it'll be fun"

(unknown) " There you two are, lets get going" a woman approached zach and gray. She has a nice British accent, shes pretty too.

(Zach)- " Who're you?"

(Zara)- "I'm Zara, your aunts assistant. Now- I got your passes and other things you're going to need for the week" holding out an envelope.

(y/n)- " Thanks, Zara- I'll be taking those" I say snatching it from her hand.

(zara) " Hey- those aren't for you!"

(y/n)- " It's okay- My friend and I, are taking Zach and Gray exploring- so tell their Aunt Claire -they're in good hands" I say putting my arms on zach and grays shoulder.

(Zara)-" But, but--"

(y/n)- " Lets go guys" leading them to the train.

We got inside and it was packed, again. Cat barely just made it in with us- but glad she did. There was two open seats, I pointed them for zach and gray to take them. Gray was antsy to get to the park, so was Cat. Zach and I were neutral. I'm pretty sure deep down he's excited, I know I am but i'm playing it cool.

"Those of you in the front of the train-should be able to see our main gates.Please obey all park rules.Proper attire, including shoes and shirts,must be worn at all times." announcement was made.

Gray got out of his seat and rushed to the front of the train, making his way past the other kids on board.

(y/n)- " Does he do that a lot?"

(zach) " When he cant contain himself"

(y/n)-" Hmm" I feel good that i'm helping zach and gray, their aunt must not really care for them.

(Cat)- " (y/n)! Check it out! Look!" I looked where cat was pointing to, A huge gate opening up for the train to pass. The gates of Jurassic World.

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