Chapter 1: Awaken the Wraith

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Justin walked into the classroom, ignoring to his best ability the stares of the students. His white/silver hair covered his eyes as he stood in front of the room. "Please introduce yourself." The woman with silver hair said. "I'm Justin. I do not wish to stir any trouble, so let's all be friends." Justin said monotonously. Several girls swooned at his words. Justin sweat dropped at the death glares from several guys. He made his way to an empty seat. Immediately when he sat down, he felt a tingling feeling coming from the Cross on his chest. "Strange... its never done that before." He whispered to himself, rubbing his chest. A girl with twin pigtails that nearly touched the floor approached him and bowed. "Hi, I'm Irina. Nice to meet you." She began, but Justin raised his eyebrows, moving the hair out from in front of his eyes. The only one who Could see his eyes completely was Irina. "I'm Justin. Nice to meet you too." He finished with a smile before his hair covered his eyes again, and Irina blushed a very dark red. She then noticed the White Gold Cross around Justin's neck. "Is that?... that's the Shiroi Okama..." she breathed silently, and Justin turned back to face the teacher. Irina returned to her seat and whispered into a brown haired guys ear. He turned and looked at Justin and he instinctively grinned.

-Time Skip-

Justin was walking in the Dusk, walking around the town. "This place is actually quite decent. Glad I chose here. I wonder how Uncle Stephen is faring? Haven't been to Tokyo in about a year. Maybe I'll visit soon." Justin mumbled on as he walked, growing ever-close to the Church. As soon as he saw he was in its shadow, he immediately turned around and walked towards the park. When he entered it, his Necklace, A Priceless cross necklace from his Uncle's friend, who had a strange name. Azazel. A shadow crossed behind him and he turned, holding his Smart phone like a throwing knife. "Who's there? Don't even try mugging me!" He yelled, and a dark laughing resonated from behind a tree. From behind it appeared a buff appearing man with horns. "I am Gorge, A Colonel from the Khaos Brigade!" He bellowed. Justin fell backwards and stared at the man. "The hell? What's that? And what THE HELL ARE YOU!?!?" Justin yelled as the man towered over him. Justin kicked the man in the crotch and stood up while running. When he got about 5 meters away, he was lifted into the air and he felt a hot wetness on his chest. He was flung by Gorge. He landed with a dull thud on a tree, and he thought he saw Irina and several others come from nowhere. His vision blurred and he shook his head, looking up to see Gorge holding a beat-up looking Irina and the unconcious bodies of several other people, whom he recognized as his classmates. He saw several he didn't recognize, but he recognized the brown haired boy from earlier at school. 'What's going on? Why can't my body move? Shit, my chest hurts!' Justin thought as he looked across the clearing. The brown haired boy had crawled to Gorge and was holding his foot. "You little shit! Why do you insist on stopping my mission!?!? Maybe I should kill your King! Sirzechs would be delighted to hear I've killed his little sister!" He yelled, bellowing a dark laugh. "Killing.... is.... a.... sin...." Justin coughed, blood coming from his nose. Gorge turned around glared. "I'm tired of this bullshit! Time to end this!" Gorge yelled. Justin's mind went dark and all he saw was a skyline and a peaceful clearing. "I see you've finally made your journey here to your mindscape. That most likely means, you're dead. I guess it's time you learned why you're here. My name is Guolduir. Just call me Hammer. I am why you are still subconcious, although you are dead." An average age man wearing what looked like light medieval armor walked out of nowhere. "Who are you? What's going on? Dead?" Justin stammered, unbelieving what was just spoken.

-Time Skip-

"So, Irina is an Angel, and Issei and the others are Devils?" Justin asked, Hammer nodding. "Indeed. I am your saving benefactor. I am neither living nor dead." Hammer said, looking up. "What do you mean?" Justin asked. "Well, let's put it in Mortals words. I've been sealed away by God himself for several hundred thousand Eons, because of my power. When God himself came into existence, which is naturally long before anything else, he felt alone, and so he made angels. The first Archangel of War, who was once myself, delved into Necromancy. Only the Satan's and Michael are knowledged into what I am. Sirzechs knows who I am. I made myself immortal, along with 2 others, who submitted to God and we're destroyed. I never gave up, and eventually made a pact of Sealing with God. Since, I have been imprisoned. Your death somehow brought me out, and so I will repay you with my life." Hammer finished his speech and he looked up to see a dozing Justin. "Hey!" He bellowed, and Justin jumped alert. "What!?!?" He said, shaking from the shock. "Listen well, Justin North. I am the Wraith of War, and you have my life debt. Use this power well, or I won't hesitate to take it back...." Hammer said before floating away into mist. Justin suddenly felt chills and warmth on his chest. "Stop Gorge! Let my Servants go!" A female voice rung out. Justin lifted his head a little and saw Irina on the ground with a hole in her chest, and blood was in a pool around her. "You have killed Irina, a close Ally of mine. You will pay for it dearly!" The voice said. Justin watched the scene unfold in front of him as if time was going backwards. Suddenly, he was staring at the Red headed girl, and Gorge was holding Irina, Issei, the Brown haired guy, was on the ground with Gorges foot on his head. "Stop Gorge! Let my Servant's and Irina go!" She yelled. "No. You people piss me off!!" Gorge yelled, and raised his leg up off of Issei's head, preparing to crush Issei. "Issei!" The red headed girl yelled, and Justin saw why she couldn't move. She was Warded in place by very powerful magic. Justin's hand went into a fist when Gorge reared his hand back and prepared to kill Irina. "Killing... is... a... sin..." Justin breathed, standing up. The red haired girl looked over at Justin, and Gorge stepped away from Issei and tossed Irina to the side. "DAMN HUMAN! DIE ALREADY!" He yelled, and launched a Metal pole at Justin. It nailed him in the chest and he he staggered, dropping to his knees. "Gah!" He coughed blood all over the grass. He looked up and saw Gorge holding Irina again. "Stop.." the Red haired girl said weakly. Justin's mind went blank for a second and he heard humming. It was a memory of his childhood, when he met his first real friend. Her name was Isabelle. She was skipping around at a park, and when he saw her, she somehow instantly knew he was there and cowered away. He had convinced her he wasn't dangerous, and that all he wanted was to play with someone. She brightened up when he asked her to play. Suddenly, his mind went fuzzy, and he realized he lost his memory of that incident until then. He clearly remembered one thing. "Shiroi Okami." He said, looking up at Irina. He tried to move, but his body wouldn't move, and he saw the metal rod sticking from his chest he pulled it out and tossed it, standing up from the short fall and shakily making his way to Gorge. "Stop!" The red haired girl yelled, and Justin saw now that he was closer that it was Rias Gremory, a popular girl at Kuoh. "Gorge. Let my friend go." Justin coughed, nearly passing out. "Your friend? Oh. Then that makes it all the better!!" He bellowed, and Justin stared, frozen in shock as Gorge thrust his hand through Irina's chest. She screamed for a few seconds and then fell silent. Rias was crying, and Issei passed out. "There, now you will share the same fate!" Gorge said happily, tossing Irina to the ground. When she landed, her lifeless eyes were staring into Justin's. "You... monster..." Justin said, and he was suddenly lifted into the air by a hand through his chest. "Die already!" Gorge yelled. Justin felt his life eb away, and he looked Gorge in the eyes. "I... I... I wont... you wont... you..." Justin stuttered, blood flowed from his mouth. "Dead yet?" Gorge asked, and Justin saw he was glancing at Rias with Lust, as well as the other girls. "You DARE KILL ME!!" Justin yelled, and his face, under his right eye, burned a red Tattoo onto his face, clearly leaving his eyes permanently Red. His eyes exploded in blue flame, and he yelled, feeling his wounds close up except for the one on his chest. Gorge glared in shock and threw Justin through several nearby trees. Justin was then punched into the air by Gorge. "What kind of power was that? It has to be the Shiroi Okami!!" He yelled. He grabbed the necklace and kicked Justin upwards, launching himself downwards. Justin coughed, his air leaving him. He rolled over in air and looked down. "I will not let you escape that easy!!!" Justin yelled, feeling his body move on its own. His face cracked slightly with blue fire, and his eyes were still emitting an ethereal blue flame-like fire/Fog. He spun in the air involuntarily, building up momentum. Suddenly, he smashed into the ground and felt the pain of every one of his bones breaking and become powderized. He instantly recovered through the Wraith's power, and stood up. Gorge turned around when Justin started laughing. Justin knew he wasn't in control of his body, and he heard laughing in his mind. 'I'll do it for you just this once, so don't get upset.' Hammer stated bluntly, and Justin sighed. "Damnit kid, just what are you!!" Gorge yelled. Justin glared at Gorge. Rias stared in shock at the scene before her, and several others, whom Justin figured to be Devils, we're helping her stand, the Wards obviously broken. "Is that the Justin you say was a new Transfer student?" Issei shrugged at Rias' question. "He looks it, but Ddraig didn't even sense an ounce of power from he himself, but his Necklace held a considerable amount of power. Irina said so." Issei said, and Rias' eyes widened at the word Irina. "IRINA!!!" She yelled, and Issei noticed her body laying on the ground several feet away from a medium sized crater. "Irina?" Issei said, and he saw the blood. 'She's... dead!!' Issei thought, and he turned towards Justin and Gorge. "You bastard, I'm gonna-" He was cut off when he saw Justin's eyes explode in flames again, standing up from another crater. "What the hell?" He said aloud. Justin, being controlled by Hammer, walked forward yet again towards Gorge, who was relentlessly spending all of his magic destroying Justin's body over and over, but he was regenerating faster than even Rizer could. Justin suddenly jumped upwards, spinning around in circles. His attire changed completely, his torn school suit disintegrating and instantly reforming into a black tattered cloak and Silver upper-body armor, some shin plates of Silver, and outer thigh plates of Steel. On his chestplate was a golden cross surrounded by two dragons and a Pentagram. Rias stared in shock at Justin (he looked very similar to Talion from SoM). Justin landed in a crouched position, his front right hand on the ground. Gorge showed a look of pure terror when he saw the ghostlike movements Justin made. "YOUR JUDGEMENT HAS ARRIVED, IN THE FORM OF SILVER AND STEEL!!" Justin yelled, well, Hammer actually yelled it, but Justin's Body wasn't under Justin's control. He shit off of his right leg like a bullet, leaving a crater the size of a car behind. He moved so fast, he left an After image for about a second before he was standing, holding a sword made of a mixture of Steel and Silver, stronger than Diamond. Rias' jaw dropped, and the rest of her Group followed suit, and Justin was standing there, holding the sword with one hand, and Gorge, as if in slow motion, fell into hundreds of pieces that disintegrated into red mist. "Justin what the hell are you?" Issei said, breathless. Justin turned towards them, and he chuckled. "What you just witnessed," Justin said, under control once again, "was not only the Awakening, but something far more dangerous. The Wrath." He said, tossing his Necklace up into the air and catching it. Kiba stepped forward. "Awakening? Wrath? Of what?" He said, and Rias nodded in agreement with him. A blue mist-like entity separated from Justin and stepped forward. "You ask what? I shall answer thee then. You saw the Wrath of Goulduir, the First High Wraith."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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