Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye

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Hey! So this is a rewrite of a story started a little while ago and I kept the idea and added a couple characters and changed the plot points around a bit and voila here it is. Before starting I'd like to thank my editor (who shall not be named for their own purposes ), who proof read all of my stuff so I don't completely embarrass myself. Thanks Bae!


Katrina brushed a strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail away from her face, and sighed. She had to finish this essay before the bell rang. It was a last ditch effort to save a failing grade. The consequences of subconsciously slacking from her school work didn't fathom her, not in the beginning of the year or when the principle and her mother, in a meeting, discussed the inevitable hell of summer school. Katrina had sat there, arms folded fitfully over her chest as she slouched in her seat. Then the principle had looked her in the eye and said that if she didn't fix her grade by the end of the year, even if she was moving away, it would come to bite her in the "posterior". The Principle had made an exclusive note to say that it would be she who would deliver the bite, therefore ruining any chances of happiness during the summertime. Caught in the furthest reaches of her mind, the ticking of the clock was the only bouey to bring her back. She glanced up at the clock, which sent her into a frenzy: her handwriting became messier by the letter.

And there, the bullshit reeks fresh, but it's enough to save me. She finished her concluding statement; just as the shrill bell rang through the speaker, announcing the end of the school day. The portly, sour faced and saggy chinned teacher rose and held out his gnarly, aged and shaking hand to collect the essays.

Katrina shoved her flat ended pencil into the pencil case. She lifted her head and absent-mindedly studied the faces of her classmates around her. Most had looks of despair on them. A few were stoic and void of emotion, letting no hint of their feelings on the essay shine through. Even fewer had mildly hopeful expressions.

She grabbed her essay and catapulted out of her seat, shoving it into the teacher's hand. Her delinquent act of turning in an essay earned a small, annoyed gargle and a look of disapproval from him. She collected her things from her desk and made her way to the door.

Katrina squinted and flinched as she opened the door The classroom was quiet, up until the final bell. It was a stark contrast to the blaring screams and shouts of joy and annoyance from the students around her. Her hand flew up to shield her eyes from the cataract burning summer sun above her. She made her way through the crowded open-air hallways, towards her locker. A few friendly faces waved goodbye and smiled at her as she passed. Some even paused to give her hugs and wished her a great summer. She responded with thin-lipped smiles and half-mumbled "'you too's."

This school years end was different from the Katrina's rest, as it did not carry the usual relief, joy, and freedom; but instead tears, a sense of feeling lost, and sinking feeling as tomorrow loomed over the horizon. It was a few days until school ended for the rest of the students, but Katrina was leaving the next day for Vancouver, for her dad's new job, leaving all of the best friends she ever made behind in the US. Canada was a mere borderline above the United States, but figuratively it was an ocean away. Phone calls would be diminished, as the rate for calling cross country was completely stupid, and visits have to be limited to long weekends and the summertime.

As Katrina neared her locker she saw a group of people surrounding it. Or at least surrounding it the best they could without blocking the other students' lockers. They were an odd bunch, and looked out of place in the school of trend followers and straight A students. The five of them were facing away from her, but Katrina knew who would be there. The nearest to Katrina was Elissa, or 'Ev', her long burghundy tinted hair was up in a high ponytail so the black tips were cascading down the middle of her back, so they could swing back and forth every time she turned her head. Next to her was her fraternal twin sister Melanie or 'Mellie'. Despite being the younger twin (by a few breathless minutes), she was a good four inches taller than Ev and still her long blonde hair was closer to the ground than Ev's.

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