Chapter 8: Ready or not (part 2)

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Hopefully- you're enjoying this x reader, its my first one- so i hope I'm doing okay. xD


(Zach)- " He's over there, come on" Zach pulled my on my arm. I followed him through the huge crowd- the kids screaming, parents talking-so much going on. I followed Zach up the 20 something stairs to the main area of the park. I saw Gray open the door- they were closing in on us, but Zach and I just barely made it in.

(announcement)- "Welcome to the Innovation Center, where technology meets prehistory."

We get it- this is sort of a museum. Zach and I look around for Gray- how can we find him if there are more kids in this place than adults. I think that's Gray-no wait, its a little girl with braids in a low bun. Dammit where is he? I don't want to get charged for missing a child- specially if it isn't mine.

(zach)- " There- I see his dork pouch" zach points towards a small screen where I can see Gray

We head over there quickly before he starts to run off again

(zach)- " Hey, don't wonder off- (y/n) and I aren't being paid for babysitting you"

(gray)- "Guys check this out, Cytosine, guanine,adenine, and thymine.The same four things in everything that ever lived." Gray was so fascinated by all these interesting facts about dinosaurs- hell so was I.

(y/n)- " This is all so cool- I mean check that out, you get to dig your own dinosaur. I'd try it but I'm over the age limit" I'd steal that if that thing was portable.

(Gray)- " I wanna try it- but there isn't enough space"

(unknown)-" Gray, is that you?" a voice was heard from the middle of the staircase. A redheaded woman with a bob cut. Her clothing attire screams professional-with a hint of confidence.

(gray)- " Aunt  Claire!"

This woman- was their aunt! She looks like she could be at least 28- I'm guessing. She has her phone glued to her ear- you can sense she is married to her job. No wonder Gray was saying they haven't seen her in years. Oh great- someone was with her.

Gray runs towards his aunt, embracing her in a hug. She was caught off guard- Gray had his arms around her- but she didn't know what to do with hers. I looked at Zach- we looked at each other but without saying a word- we both sense this was gonna be awkward.

(claire)- "You're so sweet, gray. You've gotten so tall"

(gray)- " I know, i'm 47-and-a-half inches now"

(claire)- " Are you now, Whoa, Zach. Last time I saw you,you were like...That must've been what? Three, four years ago? Zach and I approached her- she ignored me but paid attention to Zach, which is good.

(zach)- " Seven. Seven years,but, you know, close." It's been that long? I mean- her job cant be more important than family. Damn- poor guys.

(Claire)- "So- you're the one who took the boys instead of Zara" she stars to focus on me, she points at Zara, Who's on the stairs- on her phone as well.

(Y/n)- "Yeah- we met them on the boat coming here. When we got off- they were looking for you, when they saw.. Her, Gray  felt bummed out. So I thought It'd be nice to take them around" I felt her eyes check at me- every inch, she doesn't seem to happy about me taking her nephews.

(Zara)- " That's her Claire, that's the one that took your nephews" Zara shouts from staircase.

Hearing her voice- is getting me really annoyed. We get it zara..

(Gray)-"Aunt Claire- (y/n) was trying to do something nice for us, I like having her around- kind of like an older sister" Gray was sticking up for me-- wait did he say older sister...I'm not that old- but thanks.

(claire)- " Is that true?" she turns to face zach.

(zach)-" Yeah- shes cool." Thanks guys, at least now I wont get in trouble for stealing these kids.

(claire)- " Hmm, if the boys say you're alright- then I'll allow it. So, I see you already got your wristbands, And this is for food." she hands zach an envelope

(Gray)- " Aunt Claire- aren't you coming with us?"

(claire)- " I'm sorry Gray, I really wish that I could, but hey- later tonight I can take you into the  control room,show you behind the scenes and all of that after dinner.That's gonna be cool, right?"  the look that Gray gave Claire- was disappointment again.

(Gray)- "Yeah" he says in a sad tone. I hear heel clanking on the floor- I hate that sound, who's wearing heels at a theme park? I look behind Claire- it was Zara closing in on us.

(Claire)- " Okay, so I will see you tonight at 6:00--"

(zara)- "No, don't forget you have the..."

(Claire)- " Right, of course.I will see you tonight at 8:00. What time do you go to sleep? Or do you go to sleep at different times?"

Zach and gray both exchange looks, even I gave them a look. Claire knows nothing about them- i just met them today and so far I'm starting to know them more than her.

(claire)- "Okay, so, have fun,and take very good care of them, okay?" she told Zara, wait a second- I thought she was okay with me taking care of them.

(y/n)- " Wait- I thought it was good now?" I finally spoke out

(claire)-" It is, but I'm allowing it.... If my assistant goes with you" I look at Zara and she was giving me a snobby, blah face. Bitch.

(y/n)- "Alright- whatever" I just let it be, she's the boss of course.

(claire)- " Zara here is going to take great care of you until I'm done here, i'll see you guys later"

Claire leaves- putting her phone back to her ear. Zach, gray and I were awkwardly there with zara. Wheres's cat when I need her, I'm getting mad- plus its hot. Enough with being a little upset- lets just have some fun, but first gotta call Cat and see of shes ready now.

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