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With my hand on the door handle, I twisted the door open. Almost instantly, the cold autumn wind rushed past me, causing me to shiver for a short while. The sun shone, aching my eyes which hadn't seen light for days. Using my hand to block out some of the sun rays, I stared right in front of me. There, he stood. Having heard someone enter, I saw his tall figure still stand motionless while facing the sky. He knew I had arrived.

His brown hair blew in the direction of the wind. He radiated calmness and was lost in thoughts. Although, I hadn't seen him for weeks, I noticed a difference. Something had changed and it certainly wasn't him.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked, slowly walking over to him. Curiosity gradually grew inside me while only more questions popped up. "Minghao."

It was his message, that had caused me to come here. That day, the letter he sent me was only a gift of false hope. Tricking me into thinking it was him who sent it to me, I only could break down in tears when realising that it all was a lie. From the nameless envelope and sloppy handwriting I knew. It wasn't him. No matter how many times I hoped so desperately for his return, he still would never come. Because he was gone and was never going to come back.

I saw him turn his back, finally facing me. I trembled enormously, still not used to the cold I hadn't faced for a long time. Wrapping my arms around myself, I saw him near me. An unreadable expression was on his face as he only came closer and closer. As if he was deep in thought, he didn't utter a single word. Automatically, I walked backwards, not understanding the current situation.

Yet, my path stopped when I hit the wall with my back. His intimidating presence only grew and eventually a sign of emotion flashed on his face. A small friendly and comforting smile was plastered on his face assuring me at first, yet the emotions in his eyes differed. They glinted with confusement and wonder. He took off his blazer and handed it to me. I hesitantly took it and nodded at him thankfully.

Putting his blazer over the thin fabric of my uniform, I noticed him watching every movement I made. It was strange, and unlike him. As if he was preparing for something in his mind. Something that was important enough to get me here. "Minghao." I repeated, slowly growing impatient with his silence. "Why did you sent me that letter?" I eyed him, waiting for his answer.

He sighed before finally staring in my eyes, giving me a boring look. Trying to decipher his expressions, I saw him nervously fidget with his hands. He quickly put his hands in his pockets when he realised. Now, he only smiled a little, having a mischievous look.

"Mingyu, he..." his voice trailed off, making me feel anxious and pained when hearing his name. The wounds were still fresh and hadn't healed even after such a long period of time. Misery rose as I remembered the pain and loss. My heart only paced faster as seconds went by and stopped in a sudden moment when the next words left his mouth. "is alive."


Here's your sequel ^^. You can probably read it without reading my first book bc its sort of completely different. Altho it says soon, it might take two months at least (or just a month/few weeks idk yet) Its bc school is starting soon (sighh) and this is an important year for me so I won't be able to spend too much time on this.

Quick question: Would you mind if SVT already debuted and are in a group? Bc I wanted to connect it to my other book. And otherwise it would be a little strange if they suddenly were in the same class. But if its better to leave it out then I can still make it work. (I know I should decide this myself but idk what to do... and I can only write it if I know.)

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