Hey, Lucien, anything you’d like me to put in the beginning of the article? Sort of break the ice a bit?
A.By the end of reading this, you’re going to think I’m a dick. That’s okay. I guess after the way I behaved, I deserve to be called that. Some people would argue that I deserve worse, but that’s another story. A completely different story. Not our story.
It’s partly our story. The better part is our story. The mean, ugly part is my ascent and descent from the hierarchy that is life. I’m not pretending that I’m perfect here, not anymore. I’ve done some pretty crap things, most of which will come out.
Hopefully by the time you all read this, I’ll be somewhere else. I, Lucien Davies, am skipping town in order to avoid the inevitable backlash that’s going to spiral because of this confession. Don’t get me wrong; I accept the fact that I fucked up.
But what I’m about to tell you, it’s my last chance to make it up to the person I fucked over the most. This whole sorry article is my apology.
So I guess we’d better start at the beginning.
That good enough?
The Player's Prerogative
Teen Fiction"So here it is. The one you've all been waiting for. The tell-all article of the year. My subject? The one and only, Lucien Davies. Love him or loathe him, we all thought we knew him - star student, much adored rugby player and sexiest guy at school...