Chapter 1

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Mariana woke up at  5:30 like usual and did her morning run with her dog, Sandy. When she got home, it was 6 o'clock. She woke her sister after she took a shower to get rid of all the sweat and smelliness of her body.
She finished getting ready for school at 6:30 and now was waiting for her sister. While she waited, Mariana went on Instagram and looked at her friends' posts from the day before and liked them all. Then , she posted a selfie with her clothes only showing her outfit (above). The caption was: the first day of school and my outfit is soo cute. She immediately got 5 likes on the photo.
When she and her sister got to school, Mariana's friends were already waiting for her at the main entrance. They greeted each other and walked into the building to their respective classrooms. Mariana and Morgan walked into their World Geography class just before the late bell rang.
"Alright class, as some of you may already know, the junior  year always has the chance to end class the same time as seniors so, I will hand out this sheet of paper that your parents have to sign and all it says it that you will be leaving school the same time as seniors this year." Their teacher told the class, who all immediately exploded with cheers and shouts of happiness.
Later that day, Mariana and her friends were talking about whether or not they were actually going to leave school early. Mariana's little sister came over to her sister and took the paper.
"Mom and dad aren't going to sign this, you know." Natasha, Mariana's sister, told her giving her back the paper. Mariana shrugged and continued eating her food. Lucas and Parker came up to them and sat down on either side of Kristen. Parker and Kristen were siblings until their parents got divorced and the siblings went to either parent. Kristen stayed with her mother while Parker went with their father. The siblings still talk to each other but just don't hang out outside of school.
"I have a feeling that my mother is going to let me go. But if you aren't allowed to then what is the point of going on summer break before you guys?" Lucas was the one along with Mariana, who loved going on long vacations. They always stayed with their friends even when things got sour in the friend group, they tried to keep everyone together.
" I'll make sure that my parents say yes. I want more time to go wherever I want." Mariana announced. The friends knew that if her parents said yes, then the best time comes following. She is after all the queen of a great time.
"Good because nothing is right without you," Virginia spoke up after a pregnant moment of silence at the table. The group, not including Natasha and her friends, left to go to the library to talk about the upcoming homecoming dance and who they are going to take. Lucas said he was going to take Kristen while Parker said he was taking his girlfriend, Cassandra. Everyone groaned when Parker said who he was bringing to the dance. Cassandra is the school's bitchy cheerleader. She and Parker had been going strong for the past 4 years and Parker's friends knew that he wanted to propose to her when they were finished with university.
Finally, after 3 more periods, school ended and the teens walked to the library to get started on their homework. Lucas, being the procrastinator, refused to do his homework and instead texted his girlfriend the entire time. Mariana finished her homework before anyone else and she went to get a new book to read at home after she finished studying for the SATs. She wanted to get into a great school that wasn't in Maryland.
"Hey if we get out of school early, that means that we can start looking for universities earlier than scheduled." Virginia said out of nowhere, causing her friends jump in surprise.
"We can or we go on vacation for a good month or so." Parker wanted so badly to not worry about school during summer break but he also knew that the group would have to look for universities for after senior year.
"We could do both. I mean we can look at universities while we vacation in a different country. It'll be fun you guys. Plus, we won't have to bring any of our siblings on vacation with us because they will be in school still. " Mariana looked at her friends and they all nodded in agreement.
The next day, the friends met up in the school library and went over what their parents had said. When it was Mariana's turn to say what her parents had said, she stayed quiet and instead took a plane ticket that said "BWI to Dortmund: Flight 145320 at 6:30 am Friday, March 31, 2017"
" Your parents already bought you a ticket to Dortmund,Germany?!" Lucas whispered/yelled, looking bewilderly at the plane ticket on the table. Mariana nodded and took the ticket out from Lucas' hands and put it back in her pencil pouch.
The rest of the day consisted of everyone messing around or asking their parents if they could go to Dortmund for a month or two. Mariana went on her phone during lunch and looked at Instagram pictures of her favorite Borusia Dortmund players. One picture caught her eye. It was a picture of Christian Pulisic and Roman Burki outside the White House with the caption, "Wonderful day in DC, chilling with my good friend Roman Bürki." Mariana showed the picture to Virginia, who smirked and nudged Mariana.
"Alright, my parents said yes to Parker and I going to Dortmund. Anyone going?" Kristen asked everyone. There was an echo of yeses from the group and they exploded in cheers. The only person who said no was Cassandra, who said she had better things to do than go to Germany with the group.

Nobody thought that this would happen though.

It's a cliffhanger!!!!! What will happen? Do you think the group will go to DC and see Christian and Roman?

Who is your favorite Borussia Dortmund player? Comment below!

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