Chapter 20

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3 Months Later


I don't understand, one minute I'm up and one day I am down. It is so much to bear. How much more can one take?

I don't know how long I've been here. Where I am being held hostage, the room is mostly dark except in the tiny little window. I'm too short to reach it and I am too big to fit through that's no help. Also, the door locks from the outside, so basically I'm stuck.

The only thing that's been keeping me is by the mercy of God. People stop believing there is a God after something so horrible and wretched happens to them. I feel as though that's the time to get even closer with God. Your faith becomes stronger because of you are a child of God, Satan might try and set up a plot, but he can't go through with it because you covered by the blood.

As I was sitting in the bed, I decided to turn on the tv. The tv is the ones you find at your grandparents house where it only have like 5 channels and then it has the antenna. Gotta move it around to the best spot to get signal, if that don't work, get some foil to put on top.

 Gotta move it around to the best spot to get signal, if that don't work, get some foil to put on top

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I had turned the channel to the local news and I saw myself on the news. I felt tears coming down my eyes as the flashed pictures from when I was happy. Then I saw King come on the screen and he started talking.

"Please if you seen my best friend, please give her back. I'm nothing with out her. She hasn't done anything to deserve this. Lala if you are watching, I love you with all my heart and soul. I promise to get you back. I put that on everything."

I couldn't bare to see anymore. I got up and turned off the tv. I went back to my bed and laid down letting the tears cascade down my face.

All of a sudden, I heard the locks making a sound. I'll knew was something was about to happen.

The man that kidnapped me came down the stairs clapping and laughing sinisterly. He began to speak. "Awww isn't that cute, your little best friend is worried about you. He sounded like a little bitch. You are mine now and forever and always will be mine." His voice gave me chills but it's like I recognized it before. He always kept his face covered. I guess not to give himself away.

He started to shuffle his way towards my bed. I got scared not knowing what will happen next. I felt him hovering over me and his minty breath on my neck. The deil started to speak again saying, "I can't wait to taste you, baby. I'll be the first and the last to get some of your fruit. You are going to take all of me." Chills ran down my spine as he licked and sucked on my neck. I was beyond disgusted. It took everything in me not to throw up in his face.

What shocked me the most is when he took my hand and put his hand on his dick. I almost laughed in his face. Nigga had a . Bruh talking about "take all of me." Nigga all of what. My big toe bigger than your pinker dinker.

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