Year One

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Year One

I was beyond excited. I gotten my Hogwarts letter weeks ago and now I was at the train station. Both my parents flocked my sides. My dad with short black hair and blue eyes and my mom with her long blonde hair and hazel eyes. They were both proud that their pureblood child wasn't a squib. I myself was just glad that I got the chance to go to Hogwarts.

Before going through the wall to get to platform 9 3/4 we checked for any muggles and then we were on our way.

"Remember write to us every week. I want to know how you are doing at Hogwarts." My mother reminded me for the millionth time.

"Remember it doesn't matter which house you get into we'll love you anyway." My dad assured me calming my nerves. Although my parents cared about blood status they didn't care about which house I would get in.

"Okay mom. Okay dad. I love you!" I said hugging them goodbye. "I'll be back for winter break!"

"We love you too sweetie!" My dad responded for both him and my mom.

I had given my stuff to the train conductor and now I was looking for an empty compartment. I was early on the train so it was easy to find a compartment. I sat down and looked out the window barely containing my excitement.

"Excuse me you're in my compartment." A voice said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry. I'll go find another compartment." I said looking up at the speaker. He had bleach blond hair and piercing grey eyes.

"No it's okay you can stay here I thought you were someone else. There's enough room. I'm Draco Malfoy by the way." The boy Draco said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Clara Collins." I said shaking his hand.

"You're a first year aren't you." He guessed sitting down next to me.

"Yeah. What year are you in?" I asked.

"Third. Are you a pureblood?" He questioned.

"Yeah. Are you?" Draco smiled approvingly in response.

"Yes I am a pureblood."

Before I could answer some other people walked into the compartment and sat down.

"Who's this Draco?" A girl that kind of resembled a pug asked.

"This is Clara Collins a first year pureblood." Draco introduced for me. "That's Pansy by the way. That's Blaise and that's Crabbe and Goyle." Draco said also introducing me to the others to me.

I gave a small wave to them.

"So what house do you want to get in?" Blaise asked.

I just shrugged in response. I had actually wondering that myself. My dad had been in Slytherin and my mom had been in Ravenclaw. I honestly had no idea which house I would be in.

"Hopefully Slytherin." Draco said putting his arm around my shoulders making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

We had been talking for a while with me not saying a word. No questions were directed towards me so I just sat there and listened. Suddenly the air got colder and ice started covering the Windows and compartment doors. A long bony black hand made the door open and a creature that looked like a black floating cloak checked out the compartment. I scooted closer to Draco as I was very afraid of the creature before me. Draco wrapped his arms protectively around my shivering body. I felt as if I would never be happy again. Soon the thing went away to the next compartment and soon the train had started moving again. My happiness soon returned now that the creature was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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