Home Sweet Home.

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Ugh another long day from school, I'm just glad to be home with my baby. My name is Ja'kiyah Ross and I'm 17 and i go to Compton high so i guess you know where I'm from. I have a handsome 3 month baby boy named yasid amir Ross. Me and his father really don't see eye to eye so he doesn't come a round. He has beautiful brown skin like me but has hazel eyes like his dad, me on the other hand has light brown eyes, I have big curly hair but don't let the "shrinkage" fool you, it touches the top of my booty. I'm a fat chick (290) pounds but its mostly in my boobs, my butt, and my thighs, my tummy ain't too big but its big...get it? I stand 5'0 even and I'm a tomboy. Sweat pants, anything baggy is my style because it takes the attention off my body, I'm never picked on at school because my face is pretty and like I said people really can't see my body.

I walked in my home and seen the nanny sitting with my baby, I smile and pay her the money I owe her and she leaves, I pay her 300$ a week to take care of my baby and prep food, I do my laundry and clean, I know what you're thinking "how does a 17 year old have wide money like that" well TBH Eazy E was my father but I just took my mothers last name, they both dead now. So when I turned 17 all the money came to me, I'm set for life.

" hi Mommy's baby, I missed you so much"

He's not in the stage where he plays around much but I still play with as if he can talk back and everything. I sat on my bed and began to bounce and sing him to sleep, the plus side on having a rapper and a singer as parents, I can do both I just never tell anyone. After three minutes of bouncing he was sound asleep, I placed him in the middle of the bed and then went to my closet and got some clothes out to take a shower, I settled on a big black T-shirt , my blue boy shorts and my black furry socks, after I found all my clothes I went in the bathroom to take a quick shower.

10 minute shower. (What?? I'm a mother)

That five extra minutes in the shower was everything, I was able to shave and wash my hair. I wrapped my towel around me and headed to my room, I dried off and put on my all purpose cocoa oil (because I put it in my hair also), I then put on my deodorant and slid my shirt and boy shorts on.

Knock knock knock.

I look down the hall as if I could see the door.

"Umm who could this be.? " I asked myself, because nobody knows where I life so why would ANYBODY be at my door.

Who is it.

"You're new neighbor"

"Well what you want, cuz whatever it is I ain't got it"

Will you just open the door please?

I slowly opened the door and there he stood...the finest white boy I had ever seen in my life, 6'0 tall beautiful eyes, that little "Man bun" that those white boys be having, and tattoos everywhere.

"Wassup I'm Chris I'm your new neighbor, I just wanted to let you know that I am a musician and I do play outside in the backyard, if we ever get to loud please let me know and I'll tone it down."

"Well I have a baby so I'll let you know now, please keep it down he's 4 months and he doesn't like noise too well"

I got it all covered, thank you"

Thank you.

And with that I shut the door. I went in and began cooking the food that was prepped, being that I live alone its not much to cook, I settled on the chicken strips and home style fries, something slight because I wasn't really hungry, I put the food on and turned on the baby monitors that way I could see and hear my mir mir, I turned straight outta Compton on and waiting for my food to finish.

After I got my food out the movie was starting, I sat down and enjoyed the rest of my day.

Chris POV.

I really don't understand why they moved me into this neighborhood, its too uptight for me. The name is Chris , I'm 19 years old and I go to Compton high, I'm 6'0 even I'm white with hella tattoos , I have blueish brown eyes and a "man bun" & I rap (MGK). I went next door to let the people know that I'm a rapper and I do music, I walked up to the door and there she was, just beautiful but I couldn't let her know that. When she told me she had a son I know right then she either had a baby daddy or a boyfriend so I couldn't hit on her...ima respect what she got and just chill on her. But she will be Mrs MGK one day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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