Koro Yoma

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I was born a human. Yes, a normal human baby... Sweet right? My mother and father were kind to me, both sweet souls. That being said, my early childhood was filled with joy. My mother being American, and my father being Japanese, I had a mix of traits from both sides. Though... I looked much more American, now that I think of it. My late childhood was also exciting, and I can remember the adventures I had. Since I grew up in rural Japan, I didn't have as many friends compared to those who lived in the city. However, around the age of 10, I met a girl named Ritsu, who lived a few houses down the road and was the same age as I was. We spent many hours every day in the summer, digging through the dense forests in order to find new places. Being in the countryside provided us with much more nature than in the city, giving us endless adventures. I grew up with her, and she was my best friend. I was her best friend as well. That lasted until I hit the age of 16.

The horror began when my 16th birthday came in the summer of 1919. After a family gathering, which consisted of some aunts and uncles, I was able to take Ritsu exploring, as dawn began to approach. It was a happy day, happier than any other day that I've had so far. We started down the same path that we have always gone down, a path that barely anyone ever used. That night, I noticed a figure a ways down, so I told her to stop for a moment. The figure began to move up. Immediately sensing the danger, I told her to run. Run as far away as she could. Despite her attempts to stay by my side, I pushed her, screaming at her to run. Tears running down her face, she finally did. I... will never forget her expression. 

The figure came up to me... a wild smirk on their face. "Who are you..." They whispered. Their voice was that of a female's, and I made sure to remember that. I mumbled 'Koro,' and told her that I didn't want any trouble. She laughed, and quickly knocked me out. I never saw Ritsu again.

I woke up in a dark village house. It showed signs of abandonment, with paint chipping on all walls. "You're awake, huh?" Her voice rang out and pierced the silence. "What do you want with me." I growled, nervously looking around and trying to find an escape route. "I was told that you were... A special human. So, the boss wanted to try a little test on you." I was able to get a glimpse of her. She seemed... Around my age, and looked like any other normal human being. But before I could speak, she slammed my head against the wall. "Sorry for the rough handling... But it is not my intention of being soft." She kicked me in the stomach, forcing me to drink an unknown substance. "But again... I was told to keep my subjects alive. And you will stay alive, you hear? An 'alive' that you have never been before." I stared up at her, as my consciousness began to dull. "We'll have you shipped off to Kyotoyoma, okay? That'll be your new home. Oh, and your first meal." She cut her arm, letting her own blood drip onto my mouth. "Eat up." I lost consciousness right after her statement.

I was told that it was a few weeks after this event that I arrived in Kyotoyoma. I remember the dark night that I woke up to, and the lights of the village that sat near where I was dumped. I got up, and ran. Ran until I couldn't see the village. That was when I arrived at the castle... Which was named 'Kabaneri.' 

It wasn't until then, that I figured out that I was a demon. A bloodthirsty demon, who was created to kill

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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