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  As the moon fades, the blackness of night disappears, taking the stars with them back beyond the heavens of earth. Forcing the sun to shine on earth, to be certain that the darkness will not reappear.As the sun arises, a small blue vehicle drives on the road with a great rush. Inside the vehicle is a family of four, but all spoke in a tone of ''hush''. It is quite certain that this family, the family of Cromwell's is about to enter a new town. But while looking down at the map, it could not be found.

The father, Michael Cromwell looks down at his watch and notices that it is already six a.m. The mother, Nura Cromwell looks back to her two children  to see if they have yet fallen asleep. Her twelve year old daughter Ygraine was fast asleep in her seat. But her seventeen year old son was the exactly opposite. Roy Cromwell was leaning against the car window looking at the sunrise with great boredom. His face was pale white that was being covered by his dark brown shaggy hair. As he looks up, the brightness of the sun shines upon his face. Making his green eyes show a hint of gold in the center.

  The car finally drove to a gas station to refill their tank, but the station was old, damp and smell has the scent of something dead nearby. Nura asked the man if he could give her directions to the town they were heading to. Nura and Michael are both the archaeologists that been promoted to a new site that they were assigned to which is only a few miles farther away from their new hometown. The man looked at the position of her finger was pointing at and dropped the handkerchief he had in his right hand. His eyes widen with a blank expression on his as he looked at the map. A few seconds later, his smile return but not the same as before.

"Ah, the town of Ravenwood. It's about seventeen more miles east through the woods. Stay on the path but don't take the shortcuts. It could lead you to a different location and can get you folks easily lost." Nura thanked him and took her position in the front of the car next to her husband. As they were about to drive back to the road, Roy saw the man's face and grinned. His smile was suspicious to him but decided to let it go.

After ten minutes of driving , the Cromwell's saw a small town ahead of them. A smile came to each of their faces to see the town that holds the key to their new life. The town of Ravenwood. All of course, we're thrilled, but not Roy. Before moving, they lived in New York, so moving from a large city to a small town in the middle of Oregon was not an adventure for him.  Ravenwood looked more like an attraction to tourists for being old and ancient.  Most of the buildings haven't been remodeled in...forever... Even their new home was in the shape to collapse right on top of them. The house was described as "in a fashionable style this time of year." As they unpack, the house was echoed with the sound of footprints coming from upstairs. Ygraine was curious assuming it was Roy and decide to head upstairs. She followed the sound to one of the rooms that now belong to her parents at the end of the hall. She came in the room and instantly the door closed shut behind her.

"Roy stop it. I know it's you. You better stop it or I'm going to tell mom!"

Ygraine screamed into the room that lay before her.

But what she didn't know was that Roy was still in the car that was parked in the front of the house. Ygraine looked around the room and heard that the closet door creaked open. She still assumed that it was Roy but then she heard his voice outside the window into the front yard and saw him herself, still in the car refusing to get out.

She stood there shocked, frozen with fear staring at the giant box that hides a mysterious being behind it. The crack grew larger until it was wide enough to see what lay behind it.

What Ygraine saw was not identified but the unknown figure was enough to cause her to run away with all the colors of her face flushed away from the mysterious closet. She ran screaming down the hall that was now echoing  her cries of terror. Her voice was loud enough for her family to hear, drop everything and come to her rescue. But they came too late. They found her lying on the floor unconscious with blood upon her face.

"She must have slipped and fallen down the stairs." Roy said as the paramedics came for Ygraine. It was the first thing anyone has said in four minutes. His parents did not look up at him. They were still both shocked and curious about the accident. His parents wanted to go to the hospital to Ygraine but then couldn't because the house still need to be unpacked.

"It's ok I'll finish unpacking. You guys go the hospital." said Roy.

  "Are you sure sweetheart?" his mother asked. He nodded his head in reply.

He assumed his parents had left soon after while he continued to finish emptying the boxes. The house felt lonely without his little sister pestering him.

The next few hours went by fast. Roy ate silently in the house and wondered how long the doctors could take to tell his parents about the condition of his poor little sister. Just as he was about to head to the hospital, he spotted something familiar to him. It was his dad's car keys. He headed to the window and saw their car parked in the front as though it had never left. He raced upstairs to his parent's room to confront them. His mind and heart filled with anger and rage that usually only his sister can calm.

As he entered, the room was cold enough to send chills running down Roy's back and dark enough for him not even to see the other side of the room. The first step he took was loud that sent an echo around the room down the hall. He stretched out his hand for the light switch but it refused to obey his command for light. He instead took the little flashlight he had on the keychain and entered further into the dark silent room.

"Mom.....Dad.....are you in here?" he called in a low voice to his parents.

Not a sound was made in the room. As he furthered farther he noticed the bed's sheets has been taken off and the bedroom window was wide open. Beside the bed was a note that said:

Three down one to go.

To be put in the ground and together makes four.

You brought this upon yourselves,

And now you’re condemned to Hell

Roy's heart began to beat faster than coming back from a three mile run. He looked all around the room hoping to see the sight of his parents but saw nothing. He wanted to leave but also wanted to stay and find them. He then heard a sound from behind him. It was the sound of the closet being opened just a crack. He could not help it but walked towards it and opened the door.

The next day, at about nine a.m., a neighbor came to the return some mail that mistakenly came to him instead, but instead he found boxes both filled and unfilled on the porch and the front door wide open. He walked inside and called out to see if anyone's home. While in the kitchen he saw that there was one missed message in the answering machine. He grew curious and pressed play. The message came from the hospital notifying the Cromwell's that Ygraine died at ten that night due to heart failure. The neighbor continued upstairs and into the dark room. He stepped inside the room and he too heard the closet door creaked opened. He took a peek inside just for a second, and ran downstairs nearly losing his balance to call for help.

Roy was found dead, skinned and hung upside down in the closet. His parents were found under the bed dead along with the note. Their bodies were headless and could not be found anywhere around. No evidence was found in the house; not even the FBI couldn't solve the Cromwell's murders. The closet only hold one clue but when tried to be analyzed, the results would come back to unidentified. But soon, their murder became a rumor, into a scary story, then into a forgotten memory. But to those who feel eyes watching their every move, hear the uncomfortable silence in the wind , know the Cromwell's murder wasn't Ravenwood's first unsolved case.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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