Chapter 6

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          " Hey....  Rose. Wait for me "    I  heard Lily shouting from behind. I paused on my place and turned back.  Lily came running towards me and hugged me.  She was looking so happy today don't know why....

" I am so happy today...  " Lily said with a big and beautiful smile on face  .

" what's the matter?  You look so happy today, anything special?  "  I asked her getting excited to know.

" Yesssss..... Its surprise....  I'll  tell you later... "

" please...... Lily tell me right now, I can't wait now.... "
       Don't know  what is the surprise . Since I got here, I got two enough surprises  .......

" okay fine...  Lets get in.  I heard today is some kind of program... Trusties of our school are gonna congratulate the students, who has done outstanding performance in the academic year.... " I  told her about it,  which I came to know just on the gate...

" Ohhhh my....  Surely it must be boring ."

" Yeah, I know it. But,  no other choice dear.. "

Lily and I went in auditorium and took our seat. A girl came and stepped on my foot.....

" ouch.... " words came out of my mouth. I gave her my angry look on which she just made face and waved her hand telling the group of girls to follow her.. 

" Don't you have manners to say sorry... " Lily shouted on her...  Oh my best friend thinks lot for me...

" Oh... So you are feeling sad for your bff's foot  ....... Aaawww.....  Girls, see the love between them,  isn't it heart touching.... "
Seriously this girl is insane....

" Just get lost Anne.  Don't show me your witch face.... "  anger on Lily ' s face was crystal clear. Wow she protested for me,  that's really nice of her....

" who is she?? " I asked her

" Oh she?  She is the bitch.... Anne.  The so called popular girl in school. She is desire of all the boys just for one night... "

" Hey....  Li bad manners.  You should not say like this about her.... Afterall she is a girl.. "

" Like really!!!!  You are taking her side..  It's nice of you that you think so pure about everybody.... But she don't deserve it.... " 

" okay fine...  As you wish ..."

Seriously I was feeling like laughing loudly on Lily  .. She is so sweet and so kind also.  A perfect pure hearted girl,  what's in mind that's on lips.... 

        Program started.  And all the authorities were on stag, delivering their speech . But one trustee was missing. Our principal say that he is the most important personality and Offcours most successful too....... 

" so... Ladies and gentlemen  give a big round of applause for our most respected trustee  Mr.  Chris Wilson.... "

"What????  " I  shouted louder that my voice was almost  reachable to the authorities on stage and Offcours to Mr. Wilson. All the eyes were on me and I was like waiting for earth to crack and sallow me... 

      Mr.  Wilson was staring me and a smirk occurred on his face.....his eyes was making holes in me and too everyone's . Lily was staring me with her mouth open. Oh god....  Why I am so dumb???  Rose you are so stupid.....

" Any problem miss Smith.... " my principal said with that SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND SIT DOWN

" No sir...  Sorry... " I  said giving my killer look to Mr. Wilson

     I sat down and the program Started again.... 

" what was that???? " Lily asked me with a big question mark on her face. I gave her the gaze telling her to take me out of this place. And as the authorities were busy in their speech, I  and Lily went out......

" what was that,  inside??? "
Lily asked me controlling her excitement ..
" Remember,  I told you about a man who saved my life for two times....  He is no one else but Mr. Chris Wilson ." as I  finished my sentence Lily split the water out of her mouth...
" what ???? My brother saved your life.??? "

" yes,  your brother..  .... Wait, what???  Your brother??? Mr.  Wilson is your brother ?"

Lily simply nodded and my mouth was open in shock. The person who saved my life for two times and is so rude that even I said him the serial killer too,  that person is my best friends brother.....

" I am so sorry Lily.  I was not knowing that.... "  she interrupted me

" Oh,  come on.  It's totally okay..  I know my brother is so rude and also attitude shower... And I don't blame you to think in this way about him.  Everyone think the same , so cool down.... "

        I was feeling so ashamed of myself.... I and Li walked through corridor and went in library for some books...  I was searching for a book needed in my research work. I was so involved in reading book that when Lily left the room, I don't know... 

"  Suprised???  " I heard a familiar voice from my back. I turned to see who and it was.   Mr. Wilson...

" Yeah,  "  just one word.  Surprisingly he came and what you accept me to talk.

" Can I sit here?  " he asked me

" Yeah,  sure  "  wow,  today he came by himself to talk, amazing....

" Nice book,  isn't it?  " he said

" this one  ? Yeah it's  the best book on the Human body..... " I told him

" Are you half Indian? "

" How come you know? "
" By that locket in your neck.  It's a symbol of Hindu religious, right?  "

" yes,  right. My mom was an Indian.  She always taught me about Indian culture. She was so sweet and beautiful too.....  I miss her... " saying this tears roll down..

" Sorry...  " he said .  " Uh.  Don't be " .

" By the way what's your age? " wow I finally asked him,  yeeee.......  This question was in my mind from the first day we meet...  His expressions were like,  he was smiling at my madness.

" I am 35 years old ."

        What really??  35 year  that's big.....

" Really?  I mean,  you don't look that old. I thought you maybe of  25 years....  You have maintained yourself  perfectly.....  Now look at me am just 18 years  and healthy. Actually I have tried many diets even I have done aerobics but of no use ....."

" do you always speak this much??  How can you even speak this much.... Don't your mouth pain?  "

" Nah.....  I love talking.... " 

       Time got stuck and after many days I was laughing freely.
After few minutes Mr. Wilson left and it was my time to leave.  He  was different today.....  And seriously telling I liked the time which I  spend with him......

    I got home and without talking to Alex  I straighten my way to my room.  And started writing my day in a dairy....  It was indeed beautiful day today. I really enjoyed it......

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