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Ok it's just that there will be something like this every time err not every time but after like four chapters so ya,I will be doin' somethin' so you would no,this is a true story,I think I will post pics some time like after this chapter but there wont be any pics just songs?so we're ready for the chapter and also enjoy the song at the top,it's kinda my fave so ya!Cya later,bye my little Knights.
Keep going.
Almost there
YAS!you finally made it,you know you could've just scroll down of you still reading this.Ok there is another song I think I forgot 'cause of the long thing here so I will try to remember it.
I remember now!Its Mad World,Kay?I know who would love this song,my friend Kurt!Ok so I wish he could see this but ok,Cya later!Bye my little Knights!Again........

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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