Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV
BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. I groan and turn over on my side to quickly shut off my alarm. Today's the day, the first day of school, how grand. Days like this are the worst, sitting at a desk all day listening to your teacher talking about school safety rules and the stupid dress code, who even follows it anyways? I get out of bed and I quickly straighten out the sheets and toss pillows on my bed to finish it off. I go and search through my closet to find something to wear. My criss cross black long sleeve shirt, nah it's too hot out.

I search through my closet for what seems like hours and I pick out my floral flower dress from Forever 21 and a jean jacket with combat boots. Cute and edgy, just my style. I walk towards the bathroom just when all of a sudden my little brother Aiden pops out of no where and screams. "OH MY GOD AIDEN YOU JUST SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME." It's typical for me, he's always trying to play pranks on me. He walks off giggling to himself because of the fact he almost made me pee my pants.

I look in the mirror and look at my face. My whole entire face just screams acne and pores. I cleanse my face and put on some light makeup, I never way a lot of makeup, just the basics. I apply some foundation that matches my pale skin tone perfectly and top it off with some powder, some natural eyeshadow, mascara, and a nude pink matte lipstick.

I check my phone and see that it's 6:45. I rush down the steps and quickly grab some cereal and eat it as fast as I can. My mom walks in the kitchen and sits down. "What's the rush honey?" I look at her as I stuff my face with fruit loops, I grab my phone and show her the time. Her face goes from calm and happy to HURRY UP YOU'RE GONNA MISS THE BUS! I finish my cereal and put my dishes in the sink.

"Bye mom, I love you," I yell out the door, rushing to my bus stop. "Love you too honey, have a great first day," she replies back to me and waves goodbye. I rush up my street to the mailbox just in time. Thank God I wasn't late because the last time I was, I was waiting for the bus for half an hour in the freezing cold. The doors on the bus opens and I watch my step as I go up and look at all the faces. So many of these people have changed so much over the summer, fake tans, daily workouts, or maybe lip implants, who knows?

The bus is mostly filled up with kids until I see someone sitting alone, his headphones are in and he's staring out the window. He looks up to me noticing that I've been staring at him this whole time, he gives me a quick smile and gestures me to sit down. He takes off his headphones and says "hi, I'm Shawn." "Hey, I'm Skylar, Skylar Martin. You can call me Sky for short," I say shyly brushing my long bangs behind my ear. "Well hi Sky, it's nice to meet you!" Well who would've known that this is Shawn Mendes. Over the summer he changed, I looked down at his arm and thought yep, that's it, he must've went to the gym all summer long to get those biceps.

Shawn takes out his backpack from behind him and takes out his schedule and asks if we have any classes together. I pull out mine and I compare our schedules. "Let's see, uh, look! We have world history and English together," he reclaims. It's too bad we aren't in chemistry, now that would really mean somethings going on. Before you know it the bus stops and the school is wide ahead. Shawn and I part our ways as I make my way to my locker.

Looks like we didn't part ways, we went the same way. I look next to me and see a tall figure in the same flannel I swear I just seen. "Looks like we're locker neighbors," Shawn says with a grin. I smile back at him and think about how this is gonna be a great year. I mean the boy I've liked since 3rd grade has 2 classes with me and has a locker right next to me, things couldn't get any better!

My first class is geometry, sadly not English or word history. I walk into class with a binder, a notebook, folder, and a pencil, fully prepared. I look around to try to find a seat, I don't have much friends except for 1 and her name is Marisa. Marisa and I were friends since we were toddlers, she's the only person I can open up to. Sadly, she's not in geometry with me which means that I have all the populars in my class.

I try to find a seat and I sit next to a girl named Emma Wyatt, she's a pretty blonde, in the popular clique, and an elite cheerleader, everyone's loves her. I sit down and set my stuff out on my desk, she looks at me with evil eyes as if I just slapped her or something. "Skylar, honey. You can't sit here." "Uh," I stutter "what's wrong with sitting here, no one else is here." She evilly laughs at me and puts a smirk on her face. "You're not a popular. You aren't pretty, popular, athletic, skinny, intelligent, and you don't have over 1000 followers on Instagram. Sorry honey, you're only at 73," she snarls. I pick up my stuff and sit at the last seat in the very back of the class.

Well, today wasn't going as steady as I thought. After geometry I had world history which I was looking forward to since Shawn was in that class as well. I was one of the first people in class so I picked a random seat and hoped that Marisa was in this class. I watched the door carefully, looking at everyone who walked in. People came, and more came until I saw Shawn. He smiled at me and I smiled back, no one was sitting by me so he sat next to me. Why would he sit next to a girl like me, someone he barely knows when all of his friends are a couple rows back he could've just sat by them. "Hey Sky, how was your first class?" "Great," I said cheerfully even though I didn't mean it. I didn't want him to worry about me anyways, or like he'd even care.

World history passed and it was time for the next class, physical science. I walked through the wide doorway and still I see no Marisa. I sit at an empty desk and look around, seeing who's all in the class. I see Derrick Haynes, football quarterback and popular, Lacy Sterling, captain of volleyball team and a total fake, pretty sure she lost her virginity to Derrick, Katie Thompson, cheerleader and best friend of Emma Wyatt, and right next to her, Emma Wyatt herself. I turned to the front of the class as soon as I saw her. I just wanted to be invisible.

I survived physical science, but barely. Pretty much the whole class Emma was throwing crumpled up paper balls at my head and the teacher didn't even notice. I was tortured while listening to them laugh and giggle after each toss to my head. I tried to ignore them but I mean, how could I? I could hear them clear as day. Thoughts swarmed my head, obviously I'm not good enough for them. I'm never good enough.

Next class is English with Shawn. Hopefully he can make things better. I sat in an empty seat and he sat next to me again. Why was he being so nice to me. He had multiple friends in this class and he could've sat by them instead. The whole class was Mrs Johnson explaining as all the rules of the school and what materials we need for class and blah blah blah. In class I looked at Shawn and admired his features, the scar he has in his cheek, his lazy eye, his beautiful fluffy hair, and those beautiful lips. Everything about him is absolutely perfect. He like a piece of art.

Lunchtime aka living hell where every table is labeled as a certain group. There's a table of the jocks, the cheerleaders, the volleyball team, the band geeks, the mathletes, the populars, the anime nerds, and the art kids. Out of all those groups I don't belong. For Pete's sake I don't even below in this school. I sit down at a table by myself and open my brown paper sack. I scan the cafeteria and I see that Emma and Katie are pointing and laughing at me and she gets the others at her table to join along. I slump down and mind my own business. A large shadow is standing over me and it's Shawn. I look up and he offers if he can sit next to me and I accept.

"Hey, how are you doing Sky. Is something wrong, you aren't acting like usual." I look up into those beautiful brown eyes of his and I get mesmerized into them. I blink and then I release that I was just starting at him. "Oh um, yeah, I uh, I'm completely fine nothing's wrong," I tell him, hiding the truth. Why would he even care? "Sky, I know something wrong, just tell me. You can trust me." Is he playing a prank on me? People are usually not this nice to me. "Uh, I'll tell you later, okay? Just not know, not where there's people around." "Alright, how about you meet me in the front of school after home room and I'll drive you to my place, deal?" "Deal."

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