Jeff was sitting on the porch and heard a scary sound from out of no where. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
"Ahhh. What a TErriFyINg NoIsE!" jeff screamed. Jeff then deciding to follow the terrible noises, not knowing what would happen. He soon found the source of the noise. "Oh my! It is a GiaNT blaCK anD WhITe puPPy!" he said. "Mmmmmoooohhh hoiiiiii! Im bellatomatio! Herherherrrr...." said the cow. "Well you are a big puppy. I have never seen a puppy so BIG!" jeff said. Bellatomatio then told him about how she was a cow. They talked and became the best of frands magically cause thats how it happens, stereotypical books and movies ya'know. Really, its not that easy... :|Ok end of part one
first book :|
Adventurethere was a cat named jeff who met a cow named bellatomatio :|