Forward: Good and Bad

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Telling what or who is good and what or who is bad isn't black and white, and it's not as easy at it is in cartoons. Because a lot of the time, the bad don't know that they're bad. We base those opposites on such simple codes; our basic knowledge of right and wrong and if anyone is being hurt or killed.

I was never satisfied with Musket because I knew about there was another side, a greener grass just out of reach. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there wasn't much I could fight the case with. Were we getting food and water? Yes. Did we have shelter? Yes. Was there proper medical care and services available? Yes. The fence I guess was never considered out of the ordinary. We couldn't leave or move because no one simply had enough money to. But the fact that no one was around to lead the search when Hannibal went missing, or that no proper services could be carried out upon the death of a loved one, that was the fault. It was the tiny tear in the seams that I had to rip open for the world to see. It was my match to blow the entire thing to pieces. It was my storm to summon to blow that fence right out of the ground.

Kennedy Hoss of MusketWhere stories live. Discover now