Chapter One

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Oh crap! my eyes shoot open and without looking at my phone I know I've over slept. Really over slept! I roll over and look at my phones screen and scream. my alarm went off two hours ago I am hella late.

I push myself up, swing my legs over my bed and sprint out of it, as I run I trip on a pair of my tights and as I fall face first to the floor I let out a scream.

I land with a thump and mumble some profanities into the floor. I roll onto my back and stare up at the yellow sealing, why me? why today? I groan and drag my butt up from the floor. I rub my nose and try again.

I speed walk to the bathroom avoiding each piece of clothing on the floor like there snakes wanting to bite my ankles. I make it to the bathroom trip free and find my makeup kit scattered all over the tiled floor. "Mr Moon flower!" I scream and my black cat walks in all innocent looking, "naughty boy that!" I say pointing at the scattered makeup "is a big no no!" he blinks at me not understanding a word I say, I growl at him and start to collect my makeup successfully getting it on my P.J's, I chuck on some mascara and make a run for my room.

Leaping over piles of clothing, I make it back to my room and throw on my floral tights a hippie looking vest with a mustered top underneath and some leather boots I find my feather earrings in my jewelry box.

I grad my back pack and run out the door of my apartment. Tripping on every second stair, I make a weird determined sound from my throat but really focus, every stair I step on I let out a quick breath and mover in to the next. I jump with both feet on the last stair to the floor and run like my life or should I say education depends on it. I run out the glass door for the apartment building and see my little angel parked there I breath a sigh of relief and reach under the car at the back week to retrieve my keys, I open my small Honda, and jump in hitting my head in the process.

I speed to my university beeping a few old lady's on the way, and them giving me looks saying 'the kids today', I make my way into my third class which is half way through. The door is also against me and makes a pound bang as I try to stealthily make my way into the class room.

"Miss Kalvac," The teachers says not even bothering to turn around. so teacher do have eyes in the back if their heads. "Glad you could join us. what's you excuses this time?"

I search my scrambled mind for an explanation other than sounding lazy.

"Um. . my cat was constipated, and I had to help him so you may not want to shake my hand." It's the first thing that finds its way out of my mouth, I clamp it shut as my teacher stares at me in disgust.

"I thought your cat died last week!" Josh Pannel yells from the back. I hold my hands behinde my back and flip him off.

"Yes your cat did die didn't it?" the teacher says remembering my excuses I had last week.

"New cat?" I say hoping to get out of this detention free.

He stares me down and I shrink into the floor.

"Detention?" he says mocking me.

"Sounds great." I say forcing a smile on my face and giving a thumbs up.

"Very well now go take your seat." he turns back to the board and scribbles some gibberish down. I ball my fist up and start walking.

It's getting hard to think of these excuses I think shaking my head as I walk down the isle to the back of the class, a foot reaches out and I trip on it looking up to see Josh's smiling face.

"You," I say with shaking hands "you!" I reach for his face and claw at it pulling and scratching as he screams like the little girl he is.

"Lara!" the teacher screams at me his foot steps fast paced and alarming, I let go of Josh's hair and put my arms by my side

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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