Mean? I don't think so, you're probably thinking of one of your ho's. But this, this is Cleo. You should be bowing your head and kissing my feet, because while you two were together I didn't open my mouth to say one word or to make a peep.
I fell so hard and so fast and when I looked back expecting you to catch me, and you didn't. I realised that you're just another flea. That once you're done with a girl you just hop on another one and you don't think about the forever damage you've done.
Even though you don't hear them cry there will always be that one person that does: the supportive mother, the protective father, the nosey sister, the really chill brother, or the bubbly best friend. Just because you left her, doesn't mean she's alone.
She held me tight and looked to the sky. I absorbed the warmth of my mother's love as I cried.