the abusement

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it was an another day of magnolia lucy went to the calendar and saw what date it is and suprisingly it was her birthday tomorrow and did her morning routine bathing, eating breakfast, brushing her teeth, then go to the guild. *I hope the guild will act nicely to me tomorrow is my birthday* the celestial wizard thought as she remembered the days when she entered the guild, of how fairy tail saved her a couple billion of times, of how things was nice and peaceful but not that peaceful until lissana came back and everything went upside down, lucy never accused Lissana of how the guild acted today and bullied her (more like tortured her) and treacted her as a nobody and a punching bag because Lissana was also one of the members that didn't change* Lucy's thoughts made her sad and happy at the same time

While walking lucy saw a woman running towards her and when she saw the woman clearly she said "lissana???"😕😕😕

"lucy..( huff )...i....tried to (huff) stop them im so(huff) so sorry" lissana said with teary eyes and covers with scratches

"what do you mean lis? And what in the name of mavis happened to you !??!" lucy said shockingly

"well when I ran to look for you I kinda, maybe tripped a dozen of times" Lissana said as she laughed nervously

"Oh Lissana you are so clumsy"lucy giggled "come on let's get you healed up and have a sleep over so you can rest" lucy continued "hai"Lissana said cheerfully

Time skip tomorrow morning

"Lissana wake up were going to the guild" lucy said

"Oh *yawn* ok lu wait for a minute I'm gonna change"Lissana said

"Ok" lucy said as she  went outside for  some fresh air and cooked breakfast.

After making breakfast Lissana went down to eat breakfast as soon as she saw the food  lucy made for the both of them she immediately took a chair and ate and on I'm just one bite Lissana said "lu I didn't know you could cook this good almost good as miras"

"Almost" lucy said as she and Lissana laughed

After eating breakfast the teeo girls washed the dishes cleaned the table and went out to go to the guild

".....and then he said whaaaaaaa" Lissana said and both girls laughed

"Oh yeah lis what did you mean by yesterd at?? ?" Lucy asked as Lissanas smile dropped

"Well you better see to belive it" lissana said sadly while lucy looked worried and confused "is it that bad???" Lucy asked in hwe thoughts

before entering lucy took a deep breath and went in with lissana.

when she went in everybody watched her and said bad things about her and throwed magics at her and brocken magics at her, when she reached mira gasped at the bar the only ones who didn't did bad things to her are levy, lissana, gadgeel, mira, juvia, gray, the master and the other guilds and lucy ordered an strawberry milkshake.

then natsu went to her and and said "hey um lucy, were sorry but were going to kick you out of our team cause youre just weak and always bring us trouble and you always hide behind your spirits but don't worry lissana will replace you-"


No ones pov

Lucy slapped natsu so hard that a hard very, very red hand mark that has a little smoke on it (If that is possible) at natsus cheek was seen and the guild was shocked about it of what their kind and pure hearted celestial mage did and natsu said "why you little-" natsu was cut off by lucy said "how could you do this to me natsu in my birthday and to top it in my mothers death anniversary you a$$**L*!!!!!!!"lucy yelled while tearing up then this happened and each word rising up and all of them were shocked of how their pure and nice (hmmm.... not really) celestial acted again. And the celestial mage never cursed for what they remember *I guess we do don't know everything about lucy/lucy-san/lu-chan/luce/bunnygirl/love rival* the guild members thought

And then lucy went to mira and asked "hey mira is master here i need to talk to him about something" yes and whats the important thing you want to talk about anyways?" Mira asked wuth a worried tone

"Well i am talking to him about me leaving this guild"lucy answered

lissana said"well lucy if your leaving were leaving to right guys" "yeah!!!"levy, gadgeel, gray, juvia and mira said

then lissana, gadgeel, gray, juvia, levy, mira and lucy went to macarovs office and lucy knocked softly an he said "come in" the friends went in

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