Chapter 3

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  My older sister and I walked up the smelly staircase, to be stopped shortly by a homeless woman asking for change and I offered her whatever coins were found in the bottom of my purse.

 We continued our walk to the fourth level, and turned right, heading in the direction of an open apartment door with beads hanging from the opening and I smelled incense being burned. If I’m correct, that familiar smell is Chamomile.

  Mya and I walked through the beaded curtains and, I don’t know about my sister, but my heart nearly jumped right out of my chest when a parrot started yelling and flying around the room squawking, ‘Visitors, Visitors’.  It flew through a doorway inside the apartment. 

  Mya mouthed ‘Relax’, as I made sure my heart was still where it belonged and a woman came through the same entrance that the bird just flew through.  She had on an apron, oven mitts and she was strangely really pretty—not what I was expecting. 

 I was expecting old, white hair tied back, long ugly dress and maybe a mole on her right upper lip.  At least she could have had heavy bags under her eyes but, no, she was real pretty and voluptuous.

  “I’ll be right with you,” she said sweetly, turning back into the kitchen and I heard an oven open. Seconds later a delicious smell swarmed my nostrils and my taste buds began to sweat. My stomach yearned silently just as Selena Sanchez came back through the kitchen entrance.  No oven mittens, no apron and the parrot flew in behind her and perched itself on a bird stand.  

 Selena smiled brightly, extending her hand that was overdue a manicure, “Hi I’m Selena Sanchez.”   

  “Nice you meet you, Selena.” I smiled back equally bright and her beautiful brown eyes made me mimic her smile—I couldn’t help it.  “My name is Justice,” I hoped my smile seemed just as sincere.

  “It’s a pleasure, Justice.” She glanced at my sister thoughtfully. “Mya, long time, how have you been?”

  Mya hugged Selena. “Living life, chilling like a villan.” And of course they know each other. I’m wasting precious time.

  “Well at least you’re safe and healthy.” Selena turned her attention back to me. “Well let’s get to the reason for this little visit. I’m assuming your sister told you about me and what exactly I do?”

  I nodded and I scolded myself for lying. All Mya did was try to convince me to see a psychic; I came up with my own assumptions from the sign itself. I know nothing and yet still goose bumps harden on the surface of my forearms.

  Selena continued, “I’m also sure what you can already see, no round tables, no magic balls, no lucky potions, love potions, karma potions; as a matter of fact no potions at all. No charm bracelets, necklaces, rings, remedies of any kind, the whole works, no.”

  I gave a quick glance around just to confirm what she was saying was true, and I wanted to find something, anything, like what you see in the movies and there was absolutely nothing

  This place was a regular apartment. There was a bookshelf and, from what I could read, were novels and such, but nothing out of the ordinary.

   She continued, “No crows hanging around my place and I’m not an old hag.  I’m still young and if you say anything against it, we will have problems,” Selena threatened playfully.

  A small smile parted my lips. “You look no more than twenty-five.”

  “Aw, you’re a sweet heart.” And she spoke to Mya, “I love your sister.”

  “Really, you can take her.”

  I glared at my sister and Selena scowled after her. “Go away.” Mya rolled her eyes, got up and disappeared into the kitchen. Selena’s attention was back on me. “Okay now, let me explain to you exactly how this works. Hold out your hands.” I did what she asked. “And relax, don’t think about how weird this is, or that you probably don’t believe in what I do—simply relax.  I need your mind completely blank. Close your eyes.”

  This is when the incense would come into play.  I took in a deep breath and cleared my thoughts on how pretty she was and cleared my mind on how crazy I thought this whole thing seemed. 

  A psychic? Really Justice, what are you getting yourself into?

  I pushed out tonight’s plans that I was excited for and, with the silence and darkness, memories of my ex crept into play; they always do, and with huge force I managed to push them out for now. I inhaled now, lost in the eclipse of my mind. The sounds of the Toronto streets beyond the window to my left were now faint whispers and my heart I could hear so clearly pounding; Thump. Thump. Thump. It echoed in my subconscious like thunder clashing somewhere in the distance.

  Selena’s voice pierced through the drumming and her words reverberated, like I was in a hollow tunnel. “I’m going to touch you, and once I do this you will feel a surge of energy through your thumbs and pinkies.”

  I pondered lightly, my voice sounding distant. “A surge of energy?”

  “Yes, something like when your leg or arm falls asleep.”

  Noting the familiarities, I felt my body floating. “Like a bunch of needles?”

  “Exactly. You will feel the needles first through your thumbs and pinkies. Then you will feel them spreading through the rest of your fingers and eventually your whole hand will have that same feeling, understand?”

  I nodded, at least I think I did, and I felt Selena place her fingers opposite mine.  Her pinkies were touching my thumbs and her thumbs were lightly touching my pinkies.  Her three other fingers were placed in the middle of my palms together, not separated; and, just like she said, slowly, I started feeling the pricking on my thumbs and pinkies. 

  The pricking separated into my hands, and then soon enough both of my hands were prickly and felt strangely heated. Maybe heated would not be the right word, more like when you have two positive magnets and you try to put them together, you feel that force pushing them apart.  It was something like that, except this force was keeping us together, or keeping her connected to me. I, on the other hand, wanted to pull my hands away, I didn’t like this but I kept my hands still, for the simple fact that I did not want Mya to have one up on me, if I backed out. I was not going to let her hold something so easily accomplished over my head.

  Through the dense darkness I heard breathing; I could hear very clearly someone was panting and gasping for air. I tried to find the person in the dusk; I wanted to help but the murkiness confined me, holding me down, constricting my body to be still. I felt my hands trembling and then all around me inflamed fire.

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