Meet Thea, The Soldier

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[Cuts to a firing of an AK-47 from a terrorist at an airfield. He keeps shooting at something from off view in hopes of hitting his target desperately. Thea gunned him down as she sprinted in from off screen with The Crew].

Terrorist: AAARRRGHHH!

[Cuts to another terrorist guarding his post at night, also getting shot by Thea who ran in from off screen.]

[Cuts to another terrorist at the same airport doing the same thing the first terrorist did. Camera switches view to include Thea zig-zagging to dodge bullets, then jumping on top of a small crate, onto a baggage cart, jumping off it in slow motion and shot the terrorist airborne. Time returns to normal, and she kept running ahead with the rest if The Crew.]

["Meet Thea, The Soldier" title card appears.]

[Cut to the Soldier, drilling her students, the Thea Sisters.]

Thea: "If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!" Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more [Thea points to Paulina] about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it! And then he perfected it so that no living man or mouse could best him in the ring of honor.

[The Art Of War plays]

[Cut to Thea and The Crew holding her SCAR-L.]

Thea: Alright, Crew! Let's charge!

[Everyone bellowing, The Crew begins to storm an airfield under terrorist control. Thea kills a hostile, who fires at The Crew but misses his shots. Another hostile appears in front of them, firing a machine gun.]

Geronimo: To the left!

Thea: Maggots!

[Thea turns to the left and fires at the hostile, who was headshot.]

Benjamin: Right up! Right up!

Danny: Go, go, go!

[Thea reloads as she, Geronimo and The Crew charge into battle together, as explosions occur all around them.]

[Cut back to Thea's drill. Music pauses.]

Thea: Then, he used his fight money... [unhooks two smoke grenades from her belt, one in each paw] buy two of every animal on earth, and then he herded them onto a boat...[demonstrates by using the grenades, moving them in a walking motion] ...and then he beat the cheese out of every single one!
[Thea bangs the two grenades together repeatedly.]

[Cut back to battle scene. Music resumes.]

Violet: (Behind cover) Mounted turret up there!

[Thea runs up to the mounted gun and shoots the gunner, going into cover beside Violet with Danny.]

Thea: Danny, give me a boost up to that gate bridge?"

Danny: Sure. Get ready!

[Danny lifts Thea with Force Telekinesis and places her on top of the gate bridge. She draws out an M320 grenade launcher, crouches above the enemy lines and takes aim. She shoot the grenade and devastated the enemy shooters, jumping down right after. An unaffected hostile turns around with a knife and attempts to stab Thea in the back, but she pulls out her knife, swiftly twirling and slicing the throat of the hostilewith it.]

[Freeze frame]

[Cut back to the Soldier's drill]

Thea: [Laughs to herself] And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a 'zoo'!

[Crickets chirp as the Thea Sisters are dumbfounded with Thea's unusual behavior.]

Violet: What drill did you say we were going to do today?

[Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays.]

Soldier: [To Violet in the snout] Unless it's a farm! [Backs up a bit] Right, uh... we'll be doing target practice today. Get your rifles and shoot down those targets set up at a hundred yards.

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL - Meet Thea, The SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now