Suitors of the Evening

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-Suitors of the Evening-

Made for the Percico Positivity Project

Prompt: Victorian Era

-Alternate Universe-

Disclaimer I do not own the PJO/HoO series and characters (should be really obvious)


Nico's POV

I was sitting in the grass with my younger sister Hazel when my father, aka King Hades, walked up to us.

"Nico, I need you to come with me. We need to talk," my father told me. I nodded and stood up to follow him. He lead me to the meeting room.

"Nico, as you remember, we had an attack from our rivaling kingdom." I nodded, cringing at the memories of the attack. Much damage had been done to the villages and many people died including my kind-hearted older sister, Princess Bianca Di Angelo. In our kingdom we believe that women can lead just as well as men, so she was set to be the heir to the kingdom.

"Well, since Bianca has tragically died in the attack, that leaves you as the heir to the throne. Thus, you are to find yourself someone to whom will rule alongside you. I'd rather you find someone now in case of future attack. At this point, anyone is fine, I don't care who it is," father informed me.

"Am I to venture to the neighboring kingdoms to meet the princes then?" I questioned.

"No, that won't be necessary. We shall host a ball where you shall meet the princes, and by the end of the night, you would choose who to rule with."

"But father, if I were to give everyone a fair chance, I'd only be able to talk to each individual prince a couple minutes."

"I know you won't give everyone a fair chance. Either they'd bore you and you'd move on in mere seconds, or keep your attention and the two of you would talk for the entirety of the ball," before I could argue back my oh-so-kind father interrupted me, "and don't you even try to deny it" dammit he's right.

By the end of the evening, King Hades finished making the invitations and was currently sending servants to hand them out to the kingdoms. By the time the kingdoms get it all preparations for the ball would have been ready. I started walking up the stairs to enter my room. My mind had started to wander: What if I don't like any of them? What If the one I choose doesn't like me? I'd be forcing someone to spend the rest of their life with someone they don't like in a place that had recently been attacked. What if nobody shows up? By the time I have finished my thoughts I reached my room, I opened the door and got ready for bed. I layed on my bed, my final thought before drifting off into a deep slumber being, I wonder who my future husband is going to be.

Percy's POV

I was currently talking to my dad who said that the kingdom ruled by King Hades has invited us to a ball to help find a suitor for Prince Nico. It would have been for Princess Bianca but she died after king Ares sent his military to attack them. We sent our soldiers out to help them out since we were the closest geographically and personally. My dad snapped me out of my thoughts by speaking up.

"So Percy, would you like to go?" My dad asked in a sweet tone. Hmmm let's see get a chance to get together with the dreamy and perfect in basically every way possible prince whom I've had a crush on for years? Hell yes.

"Yes, would like to go to the Di Angelo's ball," I replied

"Wait what?"

"I said I would like to attend their ball,"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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