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The same night Amoura is released the base goes overboard as humans start attacking neighborhoods.

"We are all search and rescue. You understand. Medical units you're setting up triage in the plaza, I want someone on high surfaces, no human who intends harm must get near the campsite, Generals you all will dictate your units from there, Captains you are to find safe zones in all this mess, clear out all civilians, humans and supernatural it doesn't matter, if they're innocent and in danger you rescue." The Commander dismisses them.

Granger stands by his unit as he waits for Stone to show up, "Williams, Raji you two search, Row, Coon you two rescue. Remember quick but effectient." They nod as Stone walks up to them.

"Are you clear?" Stone nods as she hands him the doctors note, "I can work."

"Good and I know you hate being outside the action but I need you to take the first safe zone. I've seen you defend so the safe house is on you." Stone nods and General Granger dismisses them to their designated area.

"Hope you're all rested cause we're taking the church steeple." Stone looks at the large church.

"Not the church Captain?" Hendy asks, "no its to much ground for us to all cover. We're going to destroy what's left of the church and use the small buildings left of its structure as our safe point. Its high so we'll have a good view."

Grangers five captains take segments of the area that was assigned to them. They're the ones protecting the last defense of the makeshift camp. Stone takes back alley's till she can get onto a roof. She has her unit shoot anyone with a gun.

They clear all the buildings up to and around the church before, strapping the remaining church structure with explosives. "Stark, Hendy we still clear?" She asks them, "yes, ma'am."

Stone leads the squad back to a building nearby before destroying the building. "Cory, Mark take over the tower now!"

Stark takes down the humans in the window as Mac and Cory toss the corpus out the window, as soon as they reach the top they call out clear. "Set up you two. General Granger, we have area one." Her unit sets up the tower.

"Incoming Captain." Stark speaks up.

"From where?" Stone looks around.

"North," Stone makes her way onto the rooftop.

"Civilians Captain. They're with S.L June and Hale," Stark clearifies as the group gets closer. Stone makes her way back to the ground and approaches them.

June and Hale are Row's S.Ls, "they have multiple civilians." Amoura meets them and takes them to the building closes to the plaza.

"Pick up will be every hour. So hang in there." She tells them the building they're in is watched over by her men on the roof.

She returns to the church steeple, to keep an ear on the radio. By the end of the first hour, her unit had twenty people to give to the pickup unit.

"We've cleared neighborhood one and two, civilians going your way Stone taking the bridge now." Coon says as Row and Williams join in.

"Found humanist on the other side of the bridge. We're following them, they don't know we survived their attacks."

"What gear are they wearing?" Stone asks suspiciously.

"Full combat gear. Why?" Row catches onto Stone's tone.

"What about facial gear?" Coon catches Stones concern.

"Standard night vision," Williams speaks first.

"And they don't know you're following them?"

"We concealed ourselves," William comments confidently.

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