Part one: Bad Omens

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There was nothing. No sounds but her heartbeat in her ears, nothing to see but darkness. Ivory turns around quickly, her black hair dripping with sweat
"W-Who's there?!"
She calls out with a shaking voice. Her watery-grey eyes search the nothingness.
then, a stench worse then anything she's ever smelled wafts up to her nose. Ivory shudders involuntarily. Frozen in place, paralyzed with fear, her mind is sent racing
What is that?! What could it be? It smells like... Death...??
And just as the thought crosses her mind, something grabs her and—

Ivory sits up in her bed with a shriek, looking around her room frantically.
The familiar beige walls were back, no more blackness.
Everything was the same as before. Her shelf of knick-knacks and other travel mementoes was still there, and her grey cat was sleeping at the foot of her bed just like when she fell asleep last night.
Ivory takes a deep, shaking breath in
Th-that was a dream. It wasn't real...
But no matter how many times she repeated that, it was too vivid, too clear. She could no longer think of it as a simple nightmare, it was a vision.

No. No don't call it that
She scolds herself
None of that spell stuff... Magic... None of that is real. C'mon. you're better then this.

But now she felt a bit more open minded...

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