Prologue: The Start of it All

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Dedicated to LadyMariKitty who requested for me to post it on her birthday! I'm sorry for the tardiness, happy late birthday by the way~


(Set after Momoshiki and Kinshiki Ōtsutsuki had taken Naruto in the middle of the Chunin Exams)

Boruto, grief-stricken knowing that his father had been captured, blindly ran to the Hokage's office up in the Hokage tower where he discovered Naruto's old jumpsuit.

Before Sasuke could inform him that they could rescue Naruto, however, Boruto had somehow traveled back in time!

There, he meets his 12 year old father and witnesses first-hand the hardships of Naruto's past while also slowly forgetting his own life in the future.

Boruto had thought about a lot of things before, but time traveling to the past and falling for a young Naruto was not one of them...

Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto or Boruto, nor do I own any of the pictures that may be featured in this story.


Boruto couldn't believe it. His father was gone?

He ran out of the hospital. Ran and ran, tears streaming down his scratched up face. Memories went through his head and he didn't see the tool box standing in his way, nor did he felt the pain as he skidded from impact. All he felt was numbness.

Numb, numb, numb.

He pulled himself off of the ground, catching a glimpse of his wrist. A surge of anger ran through his veins as he ripped the Kote off and threw it away. He didn't care where it landed. 

Boruto remembered firing a stray of elemental jutsus at that bastard  (What was his name? He didn't know and he didn't care) using that damn device.

It was his fault. He was the one who gave him all that power. The power that took his father away from him. Away from his family.

What was I thinking?

Wiping his tears away, slowly he got up with his head down, and walked towards the Hokage tower.

Boruto walked inside the building, making his way to Naruto's office. It was dimly lit as he headed to his father's desk.

"Grandpa Hokage wasn't even alive! So I guess Dad's lucky he never experienced the 'joy' of having a parent around!"

"Why does my dad have to be the Hokage?! He just sits at his desk all day and acts bossy!"

He walked over to stand behind Naruto's chair.

"Anyone can do that!"

Boruto's eyes scanned his desk, a certain orange jacket catching his attention. Pushing the papers that were laying on top of it, he lifted it up to get a better look.

The memory of Naruto smiling at him before he lost consciousness flashed through Boruto's mind and he gazed at the tattered piece of clothing sadly. 

The jacket in his hands was gripped tightly for a moment.  Boruto lowered it slightly to look at the picture of Team 7 before sliding the jacket on. 

He looked at himself in the mirror. "I look so..." Boruto sighed, "...uncool."

He stood there for a moment then- What the?!

A blinding light filled his vision and Boruto had to close his eyes tightly because it was just that bright.

Suddenly, Boruto found himself falling. Falling fast. The intense light was now gone and he opened his eyes.

He saw a blue sky and just like that, everything went black.


Boruto remembered that one night he was training with Sasuke. It was the time when he so desperately wanted to beat his father and he had asked what Naruto's weaknesses were.

Sasuke dropped his gaze at the blazing fire before them. "He was full of weaknesses, a good for nothing. But he pulled himself up with his own strength and became the Hokage," he had said. "You don't need to understand who Naruto is now. You need to know the Naruto that made it all the way here."

Boruto remembered being confused at that but now, it was all so clear. He just didn't know that what Uncle Sasuke has said about 'needing to know the Naruto that made it all the way here' was actually him meeting Naruto. The Naruto who was from the past. The Naruto who was not his father. The "Naruto that made it all the way here" Naruto.

Annnnd that concludes the prologue! I hope you guys didn't wait too long. Sorry for the long wait by the way! What do you guys think of this so far?

I hope you've all enjoyed, until next time!

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