Chapter 16 - Indulging in my guilty pleasure

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Hahaha Long time guys I know I suck!!! Buuuuut I hope you enjoy the chapter!!! And i'm slowly editing the chapters I have written and posted and the ones I haven't posted so hopefully soon real soon i'll start updating every other week! :) :P XD

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Chapter 16 - Indulging in my guilty pleasure

An hour later I began to wake up upon hearing someone whisper.

"We should wake up like this more often" I sighed happily, then remembered who I was with and simple scoffed. "Your sigh and scoff countered each other out so I'll take that as nothing." Somehow, I was lying under the boy, he decides to lean down but jerks away. Damn it! why can't he kiss me already!!!!

I chuckled "Was someone going to lose the bet..?"

"So close" I laughed as Izayan got up stretching, causing his shirt to ride up a little and I saw his treasure trail sigh.... bad Niki!!!!

I got up and walked out the room, stretching I walked over to the kitchen and looked at the time It was three o'clock and I had partially slept through the day.

"Kitten, hurry your sweet ass up we need to go somewhere" I chuckled, he was crazy if he thought I was leaving today. I was tempted to go up to my room and go back to sleep. With Izayan of course... I growled at myself before replying shut it.... I was pleasantly surprised by the silence that followed.

I voiced my thoughts, well the thoughts about me staying in and was swept of my feet exactly a minute later. I screamed at Izayan to put me down but he didn't.

He dropped me in my room with a "Change now. If you're not done in five I will come back and make sure you're changed." He winked before walking at my room.

I groaned and let out a frustrated sigh before screaming "I hate you!" all I heard back was a chuckle. hehe he knows exactly how to tickle your pickle! I stopped short and how is that a good thing!!? Silence followed and my conscience decided to do the right thing for once.

Exactly five minutes later I was ready and out the door. Izayan slipped his fingers through mine and I couldn't help but get a tingle every time he did. Gods knows what was up with these sopping thoughts but I let them run through my mind anyway.

"So where are we going??"

"Wait and see." Then came the violent thoughts, you all know the ones I'm talking about, why did people always assume that other people will be fine with being dragged somewhere and not actually being told where they are even being taken. I thought of violent ways to ease my frustrations but then I decided to do the opposite. Why be mean when you can tease mwhahahahaha That seemed like the better thing to do.

Once we got to the bus stop I was slightly shivering and for once it wasn't from Izayan touching me it was from actually being cold. So I slipped my hands into his pocket and pulled him close. I felt him slightly tense and I grinned. He slipped one hand on my waist and on my thigh and this time I tensed slightly. I don't know why I do this! I'm so terrible at it. You got that right! My 'helpful' conscience added.

"I'm cold" he laughed and came closer I don't know how it was possible but it was.

"Warm?" I slipped my hand to the back of his neck and pulled his head to me before I started to place small kisses on his neck.

"I am now" I started to kiss and nibble at his neck and I heard him groan. I pushed myself closer to him and he pushed closer effectively pinning me to the bus stop wall, I whimpered slightly and we both grew tenser, well I knew I had.

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