Chapter 9: Jaw Dropping (part 1)

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It's like 2 am, I'm tired- I have a headache, plus I gotta wake up at 7.... So why not post another chapter 😄


(time skip)

We're here waiting for Cat by a ride, it was pretty packed. Zara and I wanted at the end for zach and gray to come out. I would have gotten on the ride but with really long lines- I'd be waiting for hours. The boys got wristbands so they can go on the rides with no waiting in line. Too bad for me that i can't join them. I see zara talking on her phone- saying something about a wedding or something- I'd feel sorry for who has to marry her.

(Cat)- " (y/n)!"

I see cat from a distance, she's finally ready. She got closer to Zara and I, her outfit is what caught her to lose track of Time. She went overboard.

(Y/n)- "You're late"

(Cat)- " I know- it was so hard to find an outfit, but I finally found the perfect one-- wait how did she find us?" She whispered pointing to Zara.

(Y/n)- " She told Zach and grays aunt, she's allowing us to take her nephews if Zara comes along"

(Cat)- "Her names Zara?" I nodded, she's not even watching the boys- she's just talking and talking and ugh- bitch.

(Gray)- "Cat! (Y/n)!" I heard grays voice approaching. His smile on his face - made me feel happy, grays having fun. Zach had his hands in his sweater pocket- he's neutral.

(Cat)- "Hey kiddo, sorry I kept
You guys waiting- how's the rides?"

(Gray)- "It was amazing! Saw some herbivores eating and just pure awesome"

(Zara)- "Glad you two had fun- lets get going to some more" Zara pulled away from
Her phone to speak.

(Cat)- "Bossy- bitch"

(Y/n)- "I know"

(Zach)- "What ride next?"

(Time skip)

It was getting late- probably should take the boys back to their room. Claire's picking them up later. I tell the guys for all of us to start heading back, I went on a few rides with the boys and a few with Cat- zach and gray let us use their wristbands. It was fun going past the lines- not waiting, I'm glad they're having fun- kind of see them as brothers. Is that too weird? Its weird.

We made it back to the building- we all said goodnight-parting ways. My feet are killing me, I can't wait till I get in our room- and just collapse on the bed. Cat takes out the card key and swipes. She enteres in- planting herself on the couch. I ran towards the bathroom- I held it in all day! I shouldnt have held it in- but I wanted to go on those rides without slowing anyone down. I sat on the toilet- peeing casually. I went on instagram to see whats new- plus I wanted to post pictures that I took today with Cat and the guys. Adding a a caption....and done- I tagged Cat in the picutre- Zach,gray, cat and I- next to a baby triceratops. Its so fucking cute!

After some time in the bathroom, I washed my hands and left.

(cat)- " Hey (y/n), since its still early- lets go get some drinks" does she ever get tired? Nope.

(y/n)-- " I'm tired of walking all day,cat- we can go tomorrow"

(cat)- " (y/n), we got a week here- lets make the most of it. Lets get drunk- lets go eat at some fancy place we can't afford at home"

(y/n)- " cat we can barely afford the food prices here, but the drinks- its tempting" it was, I'm considering it.

(cat)- " I'm not taking no for answer" she says going through her makeup bag- applying lipstick.

(y/n)- " Fine- lets go" I say with my phone in my jacket- ready to leave.

(cat)- " Your seriously gonna go looking like that?"

(y/n)- " Why what's wrong with my outfit?" I didn't see anything wrong? Is my butt looking flat? Do I have a red stain behind me!?

(cat)- " You gotta change- we gotta look our best down there"

(y/n)- " Fine- its better to do what you say than to reason with you"

(cat)- " Good- now pick something nice"

I went into the bedroom- went through my bag ontop of my bed. I mostly had shorts and other clothes that doesn't meet cars standards. Wait- I found something, ha. I found a dress- that cat bought me that was last minute before we left for this trip. I stripped out of my jacket and dress- I slipped this colorful- simple dress, Cat thought it would make me pop- whatever that means. I'm just a simple girl- who loves her flannels and jeans. I grabbed my brush in my bag- I brushed through my hair quickly. I went back to the room with cat and her eyes checked me out. Her jaw dropped.

(y/n)- " what?" I shrugged looking at myself to see if anything was hanging out.

(cat)- " You. Look . Amazing! I mean- you're hot"

(y/n)- " I feel weird, a good weird actually"

(cat)- " It's okay- as long as the both os us look good" she came to my side wrapping her arm around mine.

(y/n)- " Let's go, dont forget the key card"

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