hi i'm Jim i was born in Nixon but it seemed like i was raised in hell because i was child who needed support so bad i had no money no home only my music. Politicians were slowly taking over the world i was the last ever person to be born in Nixon everybody in such a state i lived with all of the truck drivers and made my living there as an 14 year old boy now my mom and dad are gone and i have no more generation at work i never became at top i'm always last and last means only 4$
i'm lost and i know ill never be found sometimes i just loose my mind because of all the stabbing pain i feel but its the 20th century deadline
"YOUR MADE OF POISON AND BLOOD'' a drunk truck driver shouted at me i was used to being miss understood its just pure humility " were raised those bastards of 1969" another driver told me. suddenly an old couple walked past and angrily glared at me and the teamsters i recognized the blonde haired one i ran up to her 'errrggghh' '' who are you? '' hi my name is now one
the long lost son Born on the 4th of July
Raised in the era of heroes and cons
That left me for dead or alive.
Short Storya boy a family all gone learn his story this book is based on the song 21ST CENTURAY BREAKDOWN by GREEN DAY