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I tried calling him at least three times a day, but he's not answering. I want to know how he's feeling. I saw him how fragile he is that night and I was so worried about him.

He didn't attend the class last Monday and yesterday, but Agnes told me they played tuned up games against their opponent on friday. The school supported them more than anything, since they'll be playing at the National Tournament. They will be excused this whole week.

At the Annual party, I told him everything. I guess I really should've waited until he accepted that his brother - Kevin, is alive. I should not have added my issues.

Speaking of Kevin, at the night of the party, when I walked out of the garden, he was there, walking around. When he saw me, we just stared at each other. By the look on his face, he was doubting if he would talk to me or not. I'm not involved but things were a bit awkward.

Once I got close to him, he just mumbled the word 'sorry'. I want to open my mouth and say something but my brain stopped me. I can't afford to make any more conversation.

We waited for our mothers outside, and once he saw her mother, he whispered to her. When her mother gasped, I know he told her about the confrontation that happened.

Things went silent the whole ride, and I just stared at the world passed by. As we hopped off the car, we silently bid our goodbyes.

Mom knew something was up but she didn't ask. She just let me go to my bed and then drift in my world. I haven't gotten enough sleep that night, so many questions and what if's were on my mind.

Do you know the feeling when you just want everything to be okay, and when you decided to spill everything, another issue would came out and then you're back into waiting? That's what I'm feeling. Right place at the wrong time.

"Hey, Lucas is here." Agnes poked my side and I snapped.

I stiffened a little when Shawn went towards us. He put his arms on Lucas' shoulder as he started walking but Lucas gently shrugged it away. Shawn arched an eyebrow at him as he went past us.

Shawn rubbed the back of his head. "Bad mood, bad mood." He sing sang.

I just smiled weakly at him, tapping my foot on the ground while trying to control the tears forming in my eyes.

He's ignoring me.

Tables were turned already.

This is the change I was talking about.

Shawn stayed with us for a while, telling us what happened about the tuned up game. As he went on with his story, he told us that Lucas messed up a bit. I was pretty sure Shawn knows nothing.

As I looked in his direction, he was sitting alone at the back, his hand leaning on his chin as his head was tilted facing the window side, blankly looking at the sky again. The same shadowed eyes he showed me during that night.

Bunch of basketball players bursted out into our room, making loud noises.

"He have an announcement to make!!!" One of them said.

We looked at Shawn in unison but he shook his head. "I don't know anything what James is talking about."

"Useless basketball captain." Agnes commented.

Shawn opened his mouth to say something but it was interrupted when James talked again.

"Later tonight... We will have a party!!!" He bellowed and everyone cheered, except us of course.

James put his hands in the air, signaling them to stay quiet and they obeyed him. Giggles were all I'm hearing and I can't help but to feel disgusted.

The Sticky Note Girl (2019)Where stories live. Discover now