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He was sprawled across his couch with a controller in his hands when an owl had tapped its beak on the window behind him. Confused, he watched it ruffle its feathers before continuing to rap on the glass. Jack cracked open the window slightly, and the owl nudged a small envelope through the opening.

The seal was a shield, with four different animals intertwining themselves with a large letter "H". Hogwarts was lettered above the design in shimmering capital letters. He flipped the letter over and was surprised to see that it was addressed to him.

Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, a ten-year-old boy named Mark sat on his bedroom window, staring out with blank eyes. Thumps and drunk laughter could be heard from downstairs.


His parents had to exchange some money to get all of his school supplies. They spent a whole day in Diagon Alley, exploring the different shops, and awing at all the magical items. Jack left that day with a new nine-inch holly wand with unicorn tail hair, some extra wizard money, a dark brown owl that he chose to name Sam, a stack of textbooks, a few more school necessities, and a package full of Cauldron Cakes. 

Mark laid on his bed, questioning silently why his mother would abandon him.


It took a while for him to take in the fact that he was a wizard. A wizard- the character in a video game that levitated objects with a wand and performed magical spells to defeat the monsters. They lived in fairy tales, games, and imaginations. He never predicted that he would actually be one. In fact, the first time he read through the letter, he suspected it was his neighborhood friend pranking him (how he got the owl was a complete mystery). 

Days passed, and he still pondered over the letter. His friend was either an incredibly good liar, or he had nothing to do with the envelope. When his parents had scanned through it, they laughed it off and told him there was no such thing as wizardry. Jack thought so too- before the incidents happened, at least.


No one was on the trail when Jack was riding his bike through it. No one saw him catch his front wheel on a large log and land hard on his back. It was quite a bad fall. There were scratches on his face and arms, his ankle had slightly twisted, and a wide gash ran across his forehead. He gasped for breath, the wind knocked out of him. 

There were a few minutes of him just lying on the ground before he shakily pulled himself off the dirt and pushed his bike (which was a lost cause- the front wheel had popped and parts of it were extremely dented) back home. 

Jack's mom was outside in the garden when she looked up to greet him with a smile. It quickly fell when she saw the sight that was in front of her.

"Oh, Jack, what happened to your bike? I bought that a few months ago," she furrowed her eyebrows and strode towards him.

Part of Jack wanted to laugh at the first priority that went to his mother's mind. The other half felt betrayed that she was more worried about a bike than him.

"What? Mom, I just-"

"Honey, what were you thinkin'? How did you even manage to pop a-"

"Aren't you gonna ask me if I'm okay?" Jack questioned, now puzzled at how his mother hasn't fussed over him yet.

"Sorry, you must've gotten hurt, did anything happen?"

He stared in bewilderment at his mother. Had she gone blind? 

It only then occurred to him that he felt no more pain whatsoever- his ankle felt fine, and the subtle tingles on his arms were gone. He reached up to touch the gash on his forehead to find that it was no longer there.

"What the.. how.." Jack had a hard time forming words in his predicament. A heavy haze fell over him and his knees buckled under his body, he collapsed onto the grass. There was no explanation for the miracle that he was witnessing. 

"Jack! Are you alright?" His mother kneeled beside him, her eyes filled with worry.

"I-I'm fine. Sorry about the bike, Ma, I'll somehow repay you-"

"The bike is the least of my worries right now- let's get you into the house."

That was when Jack first started wondering.

Mark timidly crept down the stairs, careful not to disturb the band of wasted men.


The second time something absurd happened was when Jack's dog got loose.

"No! Gizmo, come back here!" 

Gizmo replied back with a set of barks before spurting off the sidewalk and into the forest. A sound of frustration came out of his mouth before he began rushing after his runaway dog. 

That damn dog was fast. After managing to catch his dog and leash him, he let out a sigh.

"Let's go home, Gizmo. Don't do that ever again, you hear me?" Jack led his dog through thick weeds and lush, heading back to the direction of the trail. It was when he reached the same clump of trees that he saw ten minutes ago that he finally admitted it to himself. 

Jack was lost.

The sun was on the horizon, and Jack was still in the middle of the dense forest. It was beginning to turn dark, and he knew that there was no way he could make it out of the woods with no light. 

Gizmo was whimpering quietly beside him when he lost his footing and slipped. How did he not see the small ravine in front of him? He was hanging on for dear life by the edge of the crevice. Sure, it wasn't that steep of a drop- the worst he could do was sprain an ankle, but it would be enough to get him stuck down there, and he doubted that there was anyone wandering around in the forest at this time to help him.

He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a shaky breath. Gizmo was yapping madly, unable to do anything about the situation. 

This is the end of me.

Jack was always a bit dramatic. When he opened his eyes, he wasn't hanging at the edge of the cliff. He wasn't anywhere near the ravine. Instead, he saw the recognizable wooden cabin, cramped garden, and the green lawn. Gizmo was sitting beside him, tongue out, and panting. A wave of nausea hit him again. He was going crazy- hallucinating. Jack rubbed his eyes and pinched a portion of the back of his hand, but when his eyes opened he was still standing in front of his house. His bed suddenly seemed very welcoming and warm.

Mark was having a hard time trying not to yelp in pain as his father beat the shit out of him.


The events that had happened to Jack in the past days had him thinking about his letter. What if it was real? What if there was a magical world somewhere, just waiting to be discovered by him? 

The family was eating dinner when they heard the creak of floorboards. Jack's dad jumped up. His siblings had a look of pure fear on their faces, and everyone's breaths were uneven.

"It could just be Gizmo," Jack reasoned weakly, but he knew that Gizmo was lying beside his feet, sleeping peacefully.

An old man with flowing maroon robes appeared out of nowhere. His hair was silvery and a pointed hat that matched his garment was perched on top of his head. 

Jack's family was too shocked to say anything.

"Hello," the intruder began, "I'm here to speak with Sean McLoughlin? I'm from the Department of Muggleborn Educational Explanations, Ministry of Magic."


Heia guys :)

My first story on this account, I had some accounts before this but I just thought that I wanted a fresh start, y'know? Anyways, I know some of the time spaces are out of order so I know it's a bit confusing, but it's all part of the story. I haven't seen many HP AU Septiplier stuff, so I decided to write this thing. Anyways, enough talking, if you guys enjoyed the first chapter, please vote and share and stuff and.. yeah. 



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