Prologue~ Like Thunder

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Rain washed over the alley ways, making them reek of of rotting garbage and the acrid scent of rotting rat corpses. Grimy rain washed into a nearby gutter, blackened with oil run off and something else as well. The rain water gushed through the storm gutters like blood through veins, the irony was that the very same scarlet liquid tainted it's already filthy color, a grim reminder of the day's events. A single cat walked through the alley, his paw steps were near silent, heard only by the small silver queen hiding within the dilapidated building on one side of the alley way. Her breathing was fast and heavy as she curled her tail around her newly born kits, attempting to hush their small cries. "Please, you need to be silent now my darlings," she whispered, they had to, oh starclan, they had to stay silent.

"So you thought you could hide from me?"

The queen's blood ran cold, her pale green eyes widened in complete and utter terror as she slowly turned her head towards the tom. The Tom stood, blocking the entrance, his figure silhouetted by darkness. However, even in the dim light the she-cat could see the dark stains coating his paws and splattering his muzzle. His cold, calculating eyes scanned the surroundings as The she-cat's breathing grew faster, "Please..." She whispered, sorrow and terror choking her voice.

The Tom glared down at her coldly, "it's far too late for apologies, you will pay for what you have done, for what you've cost me!" he growled, his voice raising with every syllable. He looked at her in pure disgust, "You're pathetic," he spat, he swatted her with his paw, to which she let out a small shriek and pulled away. "Get up," he said in an icy cold tone. She looked up at him, her eyes gleaming with terror, he snarled, repeating himself, this time shouting, "Get up!". She shakily rose to her paws, her kits mewing as they attempted to find their way back to her warmth, there eyes still closed, still somewhat oblivious to the situation.

She looked at the blood drenched tom, trying to muster up all the courage she should as her eyes met his, she took a small gulp, her legs still shaking, "Please," she begged, "please, I'm the one who betrayed you, I'm the one you seek revenge on, so please, im begging you, leave my kits out of this,".

The Tom looked at the small kits huddled around her, mewling helplessly, his eyes cold as ice, he looked back up at the she-cat, "These kits are filth," he muttered, "You all are filth,". He paced around the she-cat and her kits, examining them before stopping suddenly when, again, they stood face to face, his face twisted in a small smirk, "It's fitting that you'll die here, like the filthy rats you are," he pounced, claws extended. Screams echoed through the alley, fading into silence before the Tom slunk out of the building as rain began to fall once again over the gloomy alley way. His pawsteps were like thunder. 

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