Chapter 11: He's back

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(time skip)

Its been at least 30 minutes, or an hour- day,week- I don't know. I've just been her having a drink with Owen. He's like beyond handsome, he's like perfect. I was enjoying myself- I had forgotten that Cat and the other guys are still here. I glance over to them time to time.

(owen)- "You uh- looking for someone??" he says turning behind him- the  looking back at me with a grin.

(y/n)- " Uh- no, just my friend is over there with these guys, I wasn't feeling it over there.  I already was planning to leave but I needed a drink" I was nervous- I was playing with my fingers, I couldn't directly stare at him.

(owen)- " I know what you mean, Went on this date with this girl- zero fun" he says taking a sip of his drink.

(y/n)- " How can a girl be zero fun?" I shouldn't have asked- it's none of my business. But I was curious how someone can be boring.

(owen)- " Who prints out an itinerary for a night out?" well- I mean....that's just odd?

(y/n)- " Okay- that's just a little setback" I smile.

(owen)- " She didn't allow her diet to have tequila, thats why her and I didn't have a second date"

(y/n)- " So that's why you asked me about my diet, funny- but understandable, I love to drink. Maybe it was something you wore that made her not want a second date with you"

(owen)- " I thought I dressed decent"

(y/n)- " What did you wear?"

(owen)- " Board shorts"  he proudly asnwered. He did not wear board shorts to a date- that is so funny.

(y/n)- " Really- board shorts?"

(owen)- " It's Central America. It's hot" he shrugs sipping more of his drink. I did the same.

(y/n)- " Understandable- I guess" I laugh at the thought of me going on a date and someone shows up in board shorts.

(unknown)- " (y/n)" a voice made my spine tingle- and not in a good feeling kind of way. 

I slowly turn my head- hoping it wouldn't be who I think is here. There he stood- Adrian. I don't understand, how is he here? How'd he know I was here- all these questions need answers

(y/n)- " Are you stalking me now!?"

(adrian)- " I'm not stalk-- look, I called your work place and they told me where i can find you, I took out some money and booked a trip here" he stepped a little closer.

(owen)- " who's this?" he whispered for only my ears to hear.

(y/n)- "Ex" Owen nodded.

(adrian)- " I just want to see you- apologize- I'm sorry for the shit I've done to you"

(y/n)- "Stop- I don't want you near me" I say putting my hand out for him to keep his distance.

(adrian)- "Please- can we just go somehwere and talk"

(y/n)- "No"

(Adrian)- " I'm just asking for litt--" he's getting closer

(Owen)- "Okay- she asked you to step back" owen stood up infront of me. I don't get why hes helping- but thanks owen, even though I just met you.

(Adrian)- " This doesn't concern you-guy" adrian trying to stand up to owen, but Adrian was a short.

(Owen)- " she doesn't want to talk to you- so head out"

(Adrian)- " I'm not leaving till I talk to her"

(y/n)- " Just go Adrian" I say crossing my arms

(Adrian)- " No"

(y/n)- " Fine- than I'm leaving" I pushed pass some people making my way to the exit. I felt so upset- more than upset, I don't know how I feel, I mean Adrian made the effort to come all this way to talk to me.

(Owen)- " (y/n) hey, you alright?"  owen came outside to find me, thats nice of him

(y/n)- " Yeah- just I'm going back to my room and just sleep, can you make sure he doesn't follow me?" I asked him.

(Owen)- " Sure thing"

(y/n)- " Thanks, it was great meeting you"

(Owen)- " What're you doing tomorow?"  owen spoke before I start to head back

(y/n)- " Exploring the park"

(Owen)- "Would you like to come see the raptor exhibit tomorrow?" he's asking me to see a dinosaur attraction, that sounds kinda funny

(y/n)- "The  place isn't ready for the view yet"

(Owen)- " I know, but I work here- so it'll be okay"

(y/n)- " Wait you work here? On the island, jurassic world?" i didn't know this- this didn't pop up during converastion

(Owen)- " So should I take that as a yes- or no??"

(y/n)- " Raptors? Im in" I smile showing my smile, owen nodes and we both go our sepereate ways.

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now