Chapter 12: Early morning

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(time skip)

Bang.Bang.Bang. Bang.

(y/n)- " Alright! I'm coming!" someone was banging on the door rapidly. I reached over my phone- its 8:13 a.m- who's knocking on our door at this time. I got up from bed and went to the door.

(gray)- " Hey! Time to wake up!" gray shouts in excitement, he's too much for this morning.

(zach)- " You guys went out didn't you?" zach asked entering in with gray

(y/n)- " Don't you own a different sweater?" he's wearing the gray sweater again- it's probably hotter today than it was yesterday.

(zach)- " What did you guys do last night?"

(y/n)- " Went out for drinks, what about you- did you see your aunt claire for dinner or what not?" I yawned, I was still tired.

(gray)- " No-she couldn't make it, she had zara take us to go get dinner." grays voice was low again, the sad one he uses.

(zach)- " On the other hand- we asked her for more wristbands for you and cat so you can join us" he reached for something in his back pocket. He hands me an envelope. I took it from his hand.

(y/n)- " Thanks- now we can all go on the ride together"

(gray)- " When are you guys getting ready- I wanna go now"

(y/n)- " I'm just gonna take a quick shower- I don't know about cat, shes M.I.A" she probably went with those guys from last night, I should call her.

(gray)- " We can wait here- while you get ready"

(y/n)- " Alright, two seconds" I Went into the bedrooms and went directly to the bathroom. I turned on the hot and cold knobs, warm the way I like it. Before I go in- using the toilet is a priority. I finished up using the bathroom. I wash my hands and begin to strip out of my pajamas.

(time skip)

About 30 minutes later- I'm finally done showering, it would have been cut shorter if I didn't have to shave. I wrapped the towel around my body, exiting the bathroom, I go through my bag to find clothes. This should be fine to wear today. A white loose button shirt, denim shorts, and my slip ons. I changed quickly, I don't want to get the boys waiting any longer. I left my hair down- the heat outside will dry it in seconds. I grabbed my phone- I slide it to the right to call Cat. it started ringing.

(y/n)- " Pick up cat" I said to myself.

After several rings- I only reached her voicemail. Dammit.

I grabbed my bag, threw it over me. I'm not really a bag person but it was on sale- never used it. When this trip was coming up- I thought I'd finally get to use it. I also put my sunglasses on me puting them above my head for now. I went into the other room where zach and gray were waiting.

(y/n)- " Sorry to keep you waiting- you ready to go?"

(zach)- " Yeah"
(gray)- " Yes"

(y/n)- " Let's get going."  we head for the door- I got the card key, I opened it Cat stood infront of the door.

(cat)- " Morning" she tiredly says

(y/n)- " Jesus, what did you do last night?"

(cat)- " Had fun- I'm tired, you guys have fun, Imma catch up on sleep, I'll see you guys later" she walks past the boys and I, plops on the couch. I guess she'll be alright.

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