Chapter 13: Raptors

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(time skip)

Zara was waiting for us at the entrance of the building- she's tagging along today too. God. She's not going to stop us from having fun- I got my wristband, so I get to join zach and gray. So far- we just past through some exhibits.

(y/n)- " Hey guys- want to see the raptors?"

(gray)-"I Thought it wasn't open?"

(y/n)- " I have connections" I Winked at gray. He smiles- I think he does want to see them.

We make our way to the raptor exhibit, it took us almost an hour to reach that part of the park. We reached the restricted area- a ton of people were here working on this project. I see the huge exhibit of the raports, it looks different from the others.

(security)- " Excuse me- you kids can't be in here" I'm not a kid- but at least he sees me as a young woman.

(gray)- " We have wristbands"

(security)- " That doesn't fly around here, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave"

(y/n)- " We were invited by Grady- Owen Grady" maybe that will get us to pass this guy.

(secuity)- " Is that so- let me call for him then- hey, Adam- can you get owen over here" he spoke into his radio on his shoulder.

(secuity2)- " he's a bit busy Sec1, hes taming his raptors" what is Owen doing?

(security)- " Alright- I'll bring them to Grady-- alright let's go see if he really did invite you" we followed the security guard.Getting closer to the huge cage- the more nervous I am looking forward to seeing the raptors.

So many workers going here and there- I mean, yeah dinosaur park- gotta keep tabs on everything but damn.

(Owen)- "Hold!" I hear owens voice from far, I search for him but I don't see him. Gray tugs on my shirt- to see what he wants, he was pointing up on top of the cage. I see him, he had his arm raised.

(Owen)- "Hey! Okay! Eyes on me. Blue? Blue! Watch it.Charlie. Hey! Don't give me that shit! Delta! Lock it up! Good! And we're moving! Hold! That's good. That is damn good. Very good! See, Charlie, that's what you get! Echo, there you go! Delta! Blue? This one's for you. Hold! Eyes up! Go." Owen's training them, he uses a clicker- same ones they use on dogs, For treats- owen uses rats. Gross.

(unknown)- " You finally did it, man." I hear someone say to owen, his voice was different, french maybe.

(security)- " Owen!" the security guard shouts waving to him, it caught owens attention. He was heading towards us.

(Owen)- "Hey mike- what's up?" he looks past the secruity guard and looks at me for a quick second.

(security)- " Sorry to bother you- but this woman claims you invited them here"

(Owen)- " Yeah- I did, its alright I'll take care of them"

(security)- " Oh- I'm sorry, i'll leave them in your care" he walks away from us, tipping his hat to us.

(y/n)- " You didn't say you tame the raptors" I say with a smirk

(Owen)- " You didn't say you were bringing company" his lip curled forming into a smile

(y/n)- " I couldn't visit the raptors without these guys."

(gray)- " Zach-check this out!" gray runs towards the exibit, going up the stairs to see the view of the raptors.

(zach)- " gray wait!" he yells, going after them

(y/n)- " Guys hold on!" I yell for them

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now