Type - Boss
Environment - The Underworld
AI Type - Wall of Flesh Body AI
Damage - 50 / 150 (melee)
Max Life - 8000 / 11200
Defense - 12
KB Resist - 100%Tips and Tricks
- Mobility-enhancing items, such as Gravitation Potion, Rocket Boots/Spectre Boots and various Hooks can make traversing the Underworld much easier.
- Items like Obsidian Skin Potions, Lava Waders, or an Obsidian Rose can mitigate the underworld's many lava pools and other ambient hazards.
-Making a platform with explosion-immune blocks and proceeding to use Dynamite can be extremely effective if the player times their throws well.
- Try not to use melee weapons if you are fighting the Wall of Flesh for the first time, because you take a sizable amount of damage from touching the Wall of Flesh or its many Hungries.
- Beenades are a highly effective weapon against the Wall of Flesh, especially in Expert mode.
Terraria Boss Guide
Acak- This guide will teach you tips and tricks you can use to defeat all of the bosses in Terraria. - Most of the information in the this guide is from the official Terraria wiki.