The beginning

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              Chapter 1: the beginning
   Once upon a time, there is a boy who is not special in anyway until he becomes a hero. It all begins when he has a dream. Unknown voice: hey kid long time no see. Kei: Who are you. Unknown voice: oh yeah you don't remember me.
A man in a black robe appears. Unknown man: so I want to talk to you about something. Kei: oh what's that. Unknown man: well I came her to give you this. The man pulls out a sword that is completely black. Kei: what's that for. Unknown man: it's for the future when you need to fight.
Kei: why would I need to fight. Unknown man: there is a great evil approaching your world and only this sword can stop them. Kei: why is this great evil coming to my world. Unknown man: well this evil is after the sword. Kei: why do they want the sword. Unknown man: I will tell you next time we meet but until then keep this sword with you at all times. Kei: but how do I use its power. Unknown man: to summon the sword call out its name. Kei: what's it's name. Unknown man: it's name is Oblivion. Kei grabs the sword. Kei: so I have to use this sword to defeat the evil. Unknown man: yes well I gotta get going. Kei: wait when's the next time I'll see you. Unknown man: well soon I hope. A beam of white light shines down on Kei and Kei wakes up.
      Kei: what a weird dream. Kei's mom: Kei it's time to get up, you're going to be late for school. Kei: oh crap I slept in. Kei jumps out of bed and gets his clothes on and runs out the door. Kei arrives at the school. Kei: oh good I just made it. ???: hey Kei how are you doing. Kei: oh hey yoruichi. Yoruichi: so did you get your homework done. Kei: oh crap I forgot about it. Yoruichi: I thought so. Yoruichi: I'll let you copy mine if you want. Kei: eh I don't want to get you in any trouble. Yoruichi: don't worry about it. Kei: eh I still think it's to risky. Yoruichi: well if you don't want to you don't have to. Kei: I know, I don't want to get you in trouble. Teacher: take your seats class is about to begin.
    After school Yoruichi runs to Kei. Yoruichi: hey Kei what are you doing after school. Kei: well I was just going to walk home and do nothing. Yoruichi: well do you want hang out. Kei: um sure I'll hang out with you. Yoruichi: really. Kei: of course. Yoruichi and Kei starting walking to Yoruichi's house. They were about a block away until the ground started to rumble. Kei: what's that. Yoruichi: I don't know. Once the rumbling stopped a huge shadow covered the town. Kei: what's that. Yoruichi: I don't know maybe we should head back quickly. Kei: yeah maybe we should.
      Kei and Yoruichi run back, until dark circles appeared on the ground. Yoruichi: what's that. Kei: I don't know. Shadow monsters start to come out of the circles. Kei: run Yoruichi. They both start to run the other way until the monsters appear in front of them. One of the monsters appear behind them. Kei charges at it and knocks it down. Yoruichi screams as one of the monsters is about to stab her.
    Kei runs in front of Yoruichi and gets stabbed. Yoruichi: Kei are you ok. Kei: I'll be fine. Kei coughs up some blood. Yoruichi we need to get you to a hospital. Kei: I'm fine it's just a cut. Yoruichi: You're not fine. One of the monsters kicks Yoruichi across the street. Kei: Yoruichi noooo. Kei remembers the man in a black robe and what he said. Man: if you call out its name it will give you power. Man: it's name is. Kei: oblivion. All of a sudden a giant cloud of shadows started swarming Kei.
      Once the cloud started to clear Kei had a sword that was completely black. Both the man and Kei: THIS IS THE POWER OF OBLIVION. Kei charges at the monster near Yoruichi and cuts it in half. Kei: so this is my true power. Man in Kei's head: yes, and this power is for you to protect the world. Kei: That's all I'm gonna use it for. Man in Kei's head: Im glad. Kei: are you ok, Yoruichi. Yoruichi: yeah, but what was that, you were badly damaged and then all the of a sudden your healed. Kei: I'll explain everything later. Yoruichi: ok. They both start heading home. Kei: well I'm gonna head home. Yoruichi: but what if they attack me. Kei: your right, maybe I should spend the night at your place to keep you safe. Yoruichi: yeah maybe you should. The next day Kei starts to see what oblivion can do, so he starts to train with it. The man appears. Man: well now that you can use oblivion, I can tell you my name. Kei: what's that. Shadow: my name is Shadow and I will train you so you can use oblivion at its full strength. Kei: Shadow thank you for the power. Shadow: well you are the chosen one.  Kei: I know and I'm going to use this power to protect everyone in the world. Shadow: then stop talking and start training. Kei: aye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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