{Chapter 11}

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Cameron's POV:

"Why is everything blurry?! Why can't I see?!" I started crying. No one can hear me. No one's here to see me struggle. No one's here to help me. "Help!!" I scream. No reply. I can't hear movements. Nothing.

All I feel was my heart pounding out of my chest. I felt like my head was racing at 100mph. Everything was just gone.

I stop every movement and every thought for a second. "Am I dreaming? Where am I? Where's my baby? Where's Kelly and my kids?!"

Kellys POV:

One moment I'm sleeping on Cameron's chest, then the next, he's shaking and breathing heavily. But he's not awake.

"HELP!! IN HERE!!" I scream as I hold Cameron's hands. "Cameron? Cameron? It's Kelly. Its me. It's okay, baby. Its okay." I try to comfort him.

Nurses and doctors come flying in the room. "Ma'am, we're going to need you to step out until we're through with him." Doctor Richardson assures me.

I look behind him and see all of the doctors and nurses that are helping him.

"I can't. I can't. I have to stay with him. We're supposed to have chdren together. We're supposed to live old and die together." I cry and hold the doctor.

"We need you to step out. Ma'am. You are pregnant. You cannot risk getting your babies stressed out. I'm sure they know something is wrong by now. But I will come out and let you know what's happening." He holds his hand out to the exit of the sliding door.

I walked out and sat in the chair closest to his room. My foot was tapping. I was so anxious and I hated life right now. I did.

As my head turned to look at floor, my stomach was the first thing that caught my eye. And then I remembered. My babies. Our babies. Them. They are key to us right now. They have to be the ones to fill me with hope. Hope that he will be okay. He's strong. He can do it. He's a Dallas.

(Good so far? Aha. I hope its interesting to y'all. Hell, even I'm interested in my own story LOL. Enjoy and keep reading)
-Emma ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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