Chapter 14: Scatter

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(time skip)

During the whole raptor accident- zara did nothing, she just stared in awe. She was back to her phone taggling along.

We try to have fun- but all we can hear is zara talking about her wedding some more. The other people around us- I don't mind but zara- I just don't like her.

(zara)- " Because it's my wedding.No, Alec's not having a bachelor party.Because all his
friends are animals." Jesus- shes already like a bridezilla, I would hate to get married, I would rather be single then be put on that kind of stress.

I got an idea- it may be stupid, but its an idea.

(y/n)- " Zach, Gray" I lowered my voice

Zach turns around- ears open. Gray looks at me waiting for me to say something.

(y/n)- " Lets leave zara"

(zach)- " What?" I looked towards zara, she was looking away from us, nows the time

(y/n)- " Scatter" I pushed zach and gray to run with me.

We got distance from zara- I can't believe it worked, she didn't see us running.

(gray)- " That was cool"

(zach)- " Yeah-now we can go at a faster with out her slowing us down"

(y/n)- " Where to now guys- she can be close"

(annoucement)- "The next T. rex feeding will begin in 10 minutes.

(gray)- "T. rex! Come on, Come on!" gray was already rushing to the t.rex exhibit, I like how excited he is- wait did it say T. Rex feeding?

(y/n)- " Come on zach!" I ran following gray.

(zach)- " Alright,okay!"

We get to the exhibit, the T.Rex was huge in person! We were about head height of the t. Rex. people were all up against the glass- gray was jumping to catch the t-rex eating. Zach was a little behind, he was on his phone.

After a few minutes, zach finally reached us.

(y/n)- " Aunt Claire?" I assumed called him

(zach)- " No-my mom, she was just checking in"

(y/n)- " That's good"

(gray)- "(y/n)! Can we go see the mosasaurus"

(y/n)- " Okay- let's go"

(time skip)

"The Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it preyed on anything it could sink its teeth into, including turtles, large fish, even smaller Mosasaurs. Okay, folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. She's a little shy, so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out." The woman annoucing the mosasaurus, I couldn't wait for it to come! The shark was being dragging by zip line- poor shark. I look over to Zach he was on his phone- he's gonna miss it!

(y/n)- " Zach look! You're gonna miss it!"

(zach)- " Yeah- hold on"

(gray)- " Zach, (y/n)! The Mosasaurus!" I looked up just in time- The huge animal leaps out of the water- opening its massive mouth chomping, pulling away the shark form the zipline. It falls back into the water- we were right in the splash zone! I ducked my head down and water pours over everyone! Zach, gray and I were soaked- it was awesome!

(y/n)- " My God!"

(gray)- "That was awesome!"

(zach)- "Yeah!"

"Hold on tight. We're gonna give you an even closer look at our Mosasaurus."We began moving underneath the huge tank- we saw the entire body of the mosasaurus, it was eating the rest of the shark. This was so cool- can't believe we get to expeience this- and cats missing this!!

(gray)- " It had 88 teeth-guys!"

(y/n)- "Wanna see something else cool?"

(zach & gray)- " Yeah!"

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now