The Beginning

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Gamindustry? A peaceful world of four CPUs that work hard to keep the balance at peace. Well some of them. Neptune was probably the lazy one who barely worked.

One day Neptune with Compa, Iffy & Nepgear went on a stroll in planeptune forest & something crashed landed with a strong force, it almost knocked them down. They got up & IF & Compa insisted on checking it out. 

They walk deeper into the forest & notice it was someone who crashed landed, but they couldn't tell. Compa insisted on checking out for survivors as she was a nurse-in-training & she had to do what she was taught. Then it changed for them. Was I wrong?

Saturn: *Wakes up & a strong glow shines upon the humans*.

Neptune: What is this bright light?!

Iffy: I don't know? But it might be something bad. Keep your guard up.

Nepgear: What the goodness! What should I do?

Compa: *covers her eyes with her arms*. What is this?

Saturn: *The light goes away & the newcomer awakens*. Where am I? *stands firmly & in a straight posture*.

Iffy: You're in Planeptune Virtua Forest. Deep in the forest. Who are you?

Saturn: I am! Saturn! A mighty warrior, & leader from the ancient times. 

Compa: So you're just like Nep-Nep too huh?

Saturn: No! I am far different. My species are long extinct because of a strong enemy that tried to breach to earth. You may call me "Saturn" if you'd like. Humans.

Nepgear: Nice to meet you Saturn. *Greets him in a polite manner & very nice gesture*. 

Neptune: You just came shooting down out of the sky!? Are you like one of those people who would fall on the ground & land on Noire as a landing pillow?! *Neptune's eyes start sparkling*.

Saturn: No.. Why would I land on a female? That is quite rude & disrespectful. My planet was indeed my home, but I cannot return because it is not my home anymore.

Nepgear: If you'd like. You can stay with us.

Iffy: What're you saying Nepgear?! We hardly know this man & you want to offer him a place to stay!?

Nepgear: My goodness! Did I do something wrong by trying to help out?!

Compa: Iffy! We shouldn't let people stay out here, it's not right nor is it healthy. I mean, what if it rains & he doesn't have a place to go! He could get cold & get sick & possibly die from it. My nurse instincts say we take him with us.

Histoire: *Calls on the Iffy's Cell phone*.

Iffy: *Picks up*. Yes Histoire?

Histoire: How has Neptune's work gone so far?

Iffy: She only got one quest done & there's a new person here. He calls himself "Saturn". Should we bring him back to the basilicom with us or what?

Histoire: Yes. No one should be left out there & if they claim to be a god or goddess. I'll talk when you get back. 

Iffy: Copy that. *hangs up*. Alright. Let's get going back to the basilicom & Saturn. You're with us now. But I got my eyes on you.

Saturn: You got nothing to worry sweetie. With females around, I show nothing but respect.
*They all return back to the basilicom*.

Nepgear: Histoire! We're home!

Neptune: Yeah Histy!

Compa: I'll go get dinner ready.

Iffy: I'll stay & help Histoire with this Saturn guy.

Saturn: Pardon about my intrusion if you may... I am without a home.

Histoire: Where do you come from in Gamindustry? I'm sorry to ask so suddenly, but I have to do my job if you don't mind.

Saturn: I don't come from Gamindustry. I come from another world.

Histoire: Another world? Like where Plutia came from?

Saturn: No. Another Planet. Called Saturn.

Iffy: Saturn? There's life on that planet?

Saturn: There was once life on that planet billions of years ago. Until an enemy so great defeated us & I activated the temple on my planet which killed everyone. 

Histoire: So you're a villain correct?

Saturn: No. I am not.

Iffy: You said that when you activated your temple, it killed your enemies, your people, other life & yourself.

Saturn: That is correct. But at the time, we didn't know about the results of it killing everyone & it was our last resort. There was not much else we could do. All we knew was that we had to stop the clan called Thermous led by Auberon from getting to earth & other planets that carried life.

Compa: Dinners About ready! Oh hey! Saturn guy! May I ask you something, what do your people eat?

Saturn: We normally don't eat anything to be completely honest.

Compa: You eat nothing?! How is that possible! Every life must eat?!

Saturn: It's just that, since finding food on my planet was so hard to retrieve back, we just couldn't eat. We found ways to go on without eating like only dust, rock, & other inorganic or organic life if it was possible to eat.

Compa: I'm so confused about what you just said, Saturn.

Iffy: It's okay Compa. I understand him better than you. Basically, he can eat just about anything or not.

Saturn: That is correct. Human. But I do have to eat too, but I have to eat things raw. I have a body to be able to break it down & all bacteria.

Compa: You're way too confusing to understand for me.

Iffy: That's why I'm here Compa.

Histoire: You want to sleep?

Saturn: If you don't mind if thee.

Histoire: You may sleep.
Continues on Part 2.

Saturn meets Neptunia: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now