Chapter 1: The Landing

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"Lord Star-scream, I've arrived at this 'Earth' planet. Why have I been sent here?" asked Skydive. "We've received a faint Decepticon signal, which originated from Earth. I need you to investigate the matter...Barricade is there now, you will assist him" said Star-scream in the comlik. "I wont let you down Lord Star-scream. Barricade, come in. Star-scream has sent me to assist you in the investigation." Skydive said through his com. "I haven't asked for any help, your just going to slow me down rookie." replied Barricade. "Well if you're ever Decepticon enough to overthrow Star-scream, then you can call the shots, till're gonna have to do what he wants." said Skydive, aggravated. "I see, so you know what it means to be a Decepticon, huh? Is that what Star-scream has been teaching you?" threatened Barricade. "Okay fine I'll play nice. You can start by doing a systems check to make sure you didn't get damaged after your long trip." suggested Barricade. 

Skydive completed his tasks by walking around and testing his targeting computer. Auto-bots show up to engage Skydive. "Barricade, I'm surrounded by Auto-bots, I need assistance." "Oh I'm sure you're 'Decepticon' enough to handle a few Auto-bots on your own. Your mentor taught you all about hand-to-hand combat, right?" asked Barricade. Skydive grabbed the Auto-bots' heads and smashed them together, killing them instantly. An Auto-bot helicopter started shooting at Skydive. "More Auto-bots, since when can they fly?" Asked Skydive, "Not so cushy in the field is it Rookie? Put that brain to use for once. Just quit whining and shoot him down." ordered Barricade. 

Skydive shot a few bullets at the Auto-bot helicopter. The Auto-bot went downwards into a spiral, crashing on the ground, killing the Auto-bot. "Auto-bots neutralized, where are you anyway? I'm at the last ordnance you sent us." "Yeah, and that's why I'm not at them. Right now you're a liability. You don't blend in with squat here on Earth, scan the vehicle form, then we'll talk." Said Barricade as if he's making a deal. Skydive transformed into a dark blue Pickup truck and drove to the ordnance. "There, was that so hard? Maybe you're completely useless after all..." said Barricade.

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