Part 1

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Today started like any other day would at the flat. Dan and I relaxed on the sofa, both scrolling through our tumblr feed. Eventually, I came across a picture of a small, brown hamster.

"Dan, look at the little hamster!"

Dan peered over at my phone, sighed, and then went back to scrolling.

"What a cutie." Dan said sarcastically.

I looked over at him and couldn't help but notice his curly brown hair. Dan was so adorable. I wish I had the guts to tell him how I felt. I shook my head and told myself that telling him wouldn't help anything.

"Shush up Dan, I thought that hamster was adorable. Oh gosh, that reminds me. I have to go feed Thor."

Dan leaned back into the sofa crease as he obviously didn't care. I shrugged and walked down the hallway into my room and closed the door.

As I walked over to Thor's cage, I realized that the cage door was open and Thor was gone! I realized my window was opened so I screamed in terror as I thought I was having an existential crisis. Without Thor, I had nothing, other than Dan. What if something had ate him? I would never forgive myself.

Hearing my scream, Dan rushed into my room in panic. As he slammed my door open, he spotted me hyperventilating on the floor.

"Phil! What happened? Are you okay?"

I never thought that Dan would be so worried about me. Although I was glad Dan cared, I still worried as I looked up at him.

"Thor is missing!" I exclaimed in panic.

Dan rolled his eyes as he knew I had lost Thor before.

"This is serious Dan! He might not come back! The window was open-"

"Phil, he's probably just under the couch again." Dan said carelessly.

"But the window," He cut me off as if he knew what I was going to say.

"Relax Phil, you are definitely overanalyzing this."

I looked up at him and realized he was right. I took a breath and nodded. Dan was so intelligent. He's found Thor under the couch the last two times he went missing.

"You're right, Dan. He'll be back eventually."

Dan sighed. "I'm going back to the lounge now. I'll let you know if I find Thor. Just, breath and try to relax."

Dan left the room and went back to the lounge. After he left, I let out my tears of worry and distress and realized he was right. I decided it was a good time to take a small nap. I hopped into bed and drifted off to sleep.

About an hour later, I woke suddenly to the sound of Dan's screams. I rubbed my eyes and walked sleepily to the lounge to see what all the fuss was about. I gasped in relief as I saw Thor sitting upon Dan's shoulder.

"Dan! You found Thor!"

"Help me Phil! He's attacking me! Something's wrong with him!"

Startled and confused, I took a closer look at the situation. Thor was growling and scratching Dan's neck violently. He seemed to have beady red eyes and teeth sharper than knives. Dan was right! I tried to pry him off of Dan's bleeding neck and shoulder, but Thor was stronger than I had imagined.

"Hurry Phil!"

"I'm trying! He won't let go!"

It wasn't long until Thor took a bite out of the most sensitive part of my body: my pinky. I jumped off of the couch as my finger started to bleed. Thor then bit into a vein on Dan's neck, jumped off of his shoulder and ran.

Dan looked as if he was about pass out. He swooned and started to collapse.

"Dan!" I ran to the couch as Dan fell onto my lap.

He looked straight into my deep, blue eyes and sighed with a smile.

"Phil, I think this might be the end for me." Dan said with a smile and a single tear running down his cheek.

"Dan please, it was just a bite. Let me look."

Dan's neck swelled and turned to a bright purple color. Blood streamed from his vein, staining his black striped jumper. I felt his heart, beating slower and slower by the second. Tears filled up my eyes as Dan reached up and softly caressed my cheek.

"I don't think I have much time, Phil."

I stared intensely into Dan's eyes and attempted to hold back my tears.

"No, no Dan you just need a doctor, I can help-"

I picked up my phone and dialed the hospital.

"Phil stop, I- I don't think that will help. Just please, put down the phone and hold my hand." I could feel tears running down my cheek.


He hadn't called me that in forever.

"Yes Dan?"

"I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Dan smiled. "Philip Michael Lester, I think it's finally time I told you that I-"

My heart dropped.

"You what?"

"I love you, Phil."

"I love you too."

"No Phil, more than just a friend. I wanted to grow old with you, go on adventures with you, and maybe even start a family with you."

Paralyzed. I couldn't believe the words that came from his mouth. Saying nothing, I kissed him. I finally kissed him. I've waited years to do such a thing, and I had never enjoyed something so much.

"I love you Daniel. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone."

Dan's smile grew larger as he shook his head. "I've always dreamed this is how I would die. With you looking over me, making me feel safe and at home. And although I might be dying, I've never felt more alive, with you, sitting right beside me. Please don't cry. I will all be fine."

I wiped away my tears and smiled back. I knew Dan had only said that as he wanted me to stay positive. I could've done something. I could've saved him.

"Promise me that you will take care of yourself." I nodded. "I love you, Phil." I leaned down and kissed Dan passionately.

"I will never stop loving you."

We kissed once more and I sat up. Dan laid there quietly, still smiling. He closed his eyes gently and I realized he was gone.

Dan was really gone. At this moment, I regretted not telling Dan sooner. I should've. I hated myself more than ever. I wish I could've warned him. Warn him about everything that had happened in the past hour. I wish I had told him the minute I knew, but it was too late.

All of the sudden, a jolt of pain struck my finger and crawled up my arm. Thor bit me. If Dan had passed due to a small bite, would I? I knew what I had to do.

I picked up the phone and stated to dial 911 until it hit me. If I didn't get some sort of medication soon, I would die too. I would be with him. I realized I didn't want any help, I just wanted him. I put down the phone. I softly kissed his forehead and laid back on the sofa.

Now here I am, sitting alone with nothing but Dan's soulless body in my arms and the thought of seeing him soon. I miss him.

After all of this, I think it's a good time to take a "small nap".

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