What lies Underneath

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Authors note: Out of all of the poems I've written (and trust me, there's a lot), I think this one has to be my favorite.

If we could see the magic we can create,

Would we still want to create evil?

If we could see the light we brought to someone's life,

Would we still wish them darkness?

If we could see the beauty in our surroundings,

Would we still look at it with indifference?

If we noticed the innocent happiness in a child's face,

Would we want to corrupt it?

If we could feel the pain of a heartbroken teenager,

Would we try to be more understanding?

If we could see how hurt someone was at a hateful comment,

Would we choose our words more wisely?

If we saw how our actions could affect someone so drastically,

Would we act with more caution?

If we could see the calming feeling a good book can bring,

Would we want to sit and read one more often?

If we could see the hurt underneath the anger,

Would we respond more kindly?

If we would try to see the things underneath,

The things not so easily seen at first glance,

Would it change our actions,

Our perspectives,

And our feelings about people

And life

And even


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