all it took was a simple "No you wait". and im so fucking glad i waited.
grade 1 was where everything started and grade 5 was where things fell apart,only to come back again. and all along, i waited.
life has always been written in lowercase for me. my name, my address, my favorite color, my favorite band. everything. it has always been in lowercase. maybe its because uppercases are only for special things and maybe its because no matter how big the world seems to be, we'll always be a mere part of it. maybe i thought that things didn't matter much and they were all minute things in this gigantic universe. maybe it never mattered to me. but you do. so when you stumbled upon me, i think i realized that even though the world was a huge misconception, it didn't have to be my world too. you could just become mine. and ever since, i've written your name with a capital A.
maybe i didn't fall for you romantically. and maybe i resented you back in grade 5. but that doesn't mean i don't love you.
i did.
i did.
i do.
i still do.
every damn day. everyday i saw the way you tilted your head to the left when you were thinking. the way you defend your favorite character even though he practically killed your power couple. i noticed the way you always said "i love you". never "love you" or "ily". i saw the love you had for your grandfather and your love for arrows. i noticed. and i fell in love with you every single day.
and god knows that im the luckiest person to love their best friend.
love, not your average banshee.
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