What just happened?

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I can't remember everything detailed what happened last year. It is all a fog. Everything happened so fast. I remember an attack from werewolf's, dementor's, death eaters and Voldemort him self. I remember standing at the front row when Harry was carried back in Hagrid's arms, supposedly dead. I remember the last look Draco gave me and I said that I will be there for him whatever will happen. Then I remember taking out a dementor and a death eater. I also remember that we won the war.

That all was last year, what to do now? This summer vacation I had to choose if I wanted to go to the Hogwarts University. Which is located in the sky, a couple of kilometers above Hogwarts. It is a giant floating island, you wouldn't expect. It looks just like Hogwarts, only smaller. It is not that popular and not very much students go there. Most of the students are from Slytherin and Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students are very rare. The excuse for the most Slytherin's are that their parents send them. Ravenclaw says it already.

I hadn't heard from Draco Malfoy all summer long. I didn't even see him in Diagon Alley, where he normally would be. I didn't receive any letter's back, nothing. While I shopped for my needed goods, I looked all around me in hope to see him. He wasn't anywhere. When I lost the hope, I went back home.

Back in my own apartment, I made myself some food and went for a bath. When I came all clean in the living room, I saw an owl sitting there on my couch. He had a letter in its beak. I walked fast towards him, in hope it was from Draco. I was making to sudden moves that the owl was scared by me and he flew around in my apartment. He sat on my cupboard for a while, where I couldn't reach. Then he went for the table, but when I came there he flew away again. When he finally calmed down I took the letter out of its beak and took a good look at it. It was old parchment paper, but had a red stamp on it, not a green. Maybe the Malfoy Manor changed the wax to red? I thought. I shook my head, probably not. I opened the envelope, took the letter out and almost immediately I saw that it was from Hogwarts University. It contained the train ticket and instructions at what time to be where. I had to be at 9 3/4 at 1:00 p.m. Which was a train two hours later than the Hogwarts Express to the school at the first of September.

When I got there, I was half an hour earlier. I put my luggage where it had to be and entered the train. I searched a good place to sit. I sat on a bench with a table between the other in front of me. I sat there for twenty minutes and then I saw a little group enter the same cabin. It were Zabini, Parkinson, Greengrass, Crabbe, Goyle and at last Malfoy. I watched how they entered the cabin. When Malfoy entered he glanced at me but did not move one muscle in his face. Even his friends did not even look at me. I saw that Parkinson saw me, but she kept quiet and did not look at me one more time. I decided to switch from cabin, so they could talk while I wouldn't hear it. I was going to walk past them. But when I almost did, I was grabbed by my wrist. 'Don't you say hi? Or is that out of trend?' Malfoy said. I looked down 'don't you send letters or messages? Or is thàt out of trend?' I said back. He looked frustrated 'but I did.' he said shocked. 'No, you did not.' I said cold and shook my wrist so he let go. 'I most certainly did. Didn't you receive them?' he said. I shook my head. 'We did too.' the others said. 'there is something fishy going on.' I said. They nodded their heads. I took place on the bench in front of Zabini. The train stopped and we heard a weird voice coming through invincible speakers. 'Lady's and gentlemen, we are ready for departure now. Please stay calm and stay in your cabin. Thanks.' then the intercom closed.
I felt that the train took off. Really strange, a flying train.

'Are we going to be sorted again?' I asked hopefully 'nope' Zabini said. I hung my head 'I really hoped to be in Slytherin.' I said disappointed. I was pet over my head 'now we don't need be secretly friends' Malfoy laughed. I nodded and smiled. Half an hour later we arrived at Hogwarts University.

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