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{btw This fanfic will take place before they broke up and after rickcardo left}

{Chris pov}
I woke up to a the sound of miss Clark or as I call her miss catpee because she always smells like catpee she was yelling at me to get up saying there were people coming to look at adopting so i got up and walked to my closet and  pick out my blue skinny jeans a white t-shirt and a pair of grey vans, I walk into the bathroom brush my teeth and put my hair in a high pony tail.

I walk downstairs and see all the other girls standing in a line so I rush over and squeeze myself between two of my friends, we see these 6 guys walk in they look like they are in there early  twenties late teens,I was near the end so it took them about fifteen minutes to get to me but when they did a guy with really pretty blue eyes asked me what my name was I said Christen mikelson then he put this pink sticky note on my shirt which meant that he would like to talk to me more.

5 minutes later miss Catpee asked me to follow her to her office when I walked in she slammed the door behind me and slapped me and told me that I better not mess up this time and yelled at me to go back to my room and wait

{Connor pov}
Today is the day me and the boys go to look for a girl to adopt we are all so excited we have bin planing to to this for months. When we get to the orphanage it's was a old dark building Kian's faces was so funny when he saw it. we walk in and see all the girls lined up we introduced are selfs to miss Clark she hands me a stack of pink sticky notes and explains that if there is a girl that we would like to talk to more that I must put a sticky note on her shirt once we start asking the girls there names Jc notice this one girl near the end she had her hair in a high pony she was one of the older girls there once we get to her a ask what's your name she answered christen mikelson, she is the only one that I have put a sticky note on yet after we talked to the rest of the girls we tell miss Clark that we would like to talk to christen she told us that she is in room 125. It took us awhile to find it because Ricky and Trevor would not stop fighting over which way it was  but once we found it we nocked on the door and heard a squeal we all kind of laughed but when she opened the door she invited us in then we started talking

{Chris pov}
After miss Clark slapped me I was a bit startled but I was used to it so I just went to my room I was waiting for about fifteen minutes so I grabbed my song book and started righting a song and that guys blue eyes about five minutes latter I heard a nock on my door I was so excited that I squealed like a pig and ran over too my door it was the guys I invited them in they all just sat on my floor and asked me if they could do some flash questions of course I said yes

C-13 turning 14 in a week

O-favourite color

C-singing and drawing 

O-favourite food
C-grilled cheese

O-favourite animal
C-genie pig 

O-play any sports
C-track and field

O-favourite season

Hey guys this is my first story so please don't judge and I will try to update soon xx bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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